Thursday, February 23, 2012

From the Betancourt docket: Why discussions of settlement at this time? Having probably spent millions prosecuting this lawsuit what would a settlement achieve for BTU Ventures, Inc. BTU Industries Holdings USA, Inc. and Wael Al Mazeedi?

Wael already "reached a settlement with Mr. Murphy" back in 2011.  Apparently he wants to reach a settlement with Mr. Betancourt.  Logic dictates that he must be trying to reach a settlement with Mr. McBrearty as well since the complaints against Betancourt and McBrearty are nearly identical and they reference both individuals in each complaint.  Why oh, why does a $1 billion, world-dominant company offer settlement proposals to these individuals.  Wael's main concern should be Mr. Hayat and the BTU Power Company investors (Qatar Investment Authority, Qatar National Bank, Dubai Islamic Bank, etc.)... Those guys are the ones with the BIG money and the BIG grudges (i.e. losses of millions of dollars due to Wael's "management" prowess).  Maybe Murphy, McBrearty, and Betancourt represent the "open doors" to ALL the facts.  A trial (avoided already in Mr. Murphy's case but scheduled for March 5 in Mr. McBrearty's case and yet to be scheduled in early March per Judge Tauro's order in the Betancourt case) would mean that Wael and ALL THE WITNESSES called to testify would have to do just that... Testify to the truth.  Hmmm....

As always, there is always something murky behind any "BTU" associated actions.  Interesting what could be the impetus for this development.
Full docket text:
ELECTRONIC NOTICE OF RESCHEDULING at the request of counsel because of a possibility of settlement:
Hearing set for 2/28/2012 11:00 AM in Courtroom 22 before Judge Joseph L. Tauro. (Lovett, Zita)

Wael's had 9 attorney's in total (see below) represent him throughout the 3+ yrs. of litigation in the Betancourt case (there are 100+ documents in the docket).  As we discussed in this previous post attorneys at Boston's "top" firms can go anywhere from $700-$900 an hr.  It's not hard to see how you get to the big $$$s pretty quickly.  [Note: Let's see, an average of 4 attorneys working an average of 5 hrs a week X 4 weeks/mo X 12 mos/yr X 3 yrs earning $800/hr = $2.3 million.]

WilmerHaleHarry T. DanielsJoshua D. Jacobson
Richard A. Johnston
Gregory M. Reiser

FoleyHoagBrian P. Bialas
Robert A. Fisher
James W. Bucking
John A. Shope

Leonard G. Learner

Given that the Betancourt trial in US Federal Court would be an open opportunity for everybody involved in:
  • The liquidation of BTU Holdings Company
  • The liquidation of BTU Power Company
  • The Hayat litigation
Would it not make sense for Wael to try to settle with Betancourt at this point so that no information comes out at trial that could be used by anybody involved in the three actions above?  The trustees in the liquidations are no doubt trying to recover as much of the "BTU" assets as they possible can.  Hayat's also got significant monetary claims against Wael.  Any information that could be obtained in the Betancourt trial and used to "reach" for those assets (under the control of Wael and being used for the benefit of Wael) would obviously not be good for Wael.

Undoubtedly Wael's paid for his attorneys from dividends that should have gone to the Middle East investors.  He's probably not paid a single dollar out of his own pocket.  Betancourt on the other hand has probably paid for all his legal representation out of his own resources.  Maybe he's assuming/betting that Betancourt can't go (or doesn't want to go) through the expense of the trial?


Anonymous said...

If Mr. Betancourt is running out of money maybe he should set up a defense fund. He probably knows all the details of this case better than anyone else so maybe he should represent himself. I bet Almazeedi would absolutely not want to be questioned directly by Mr. Betancourt. In any event, Mr. Betancourt could have approached BTU for settlement at any time before. He seemingly hasn't so maybe the money's a factor but not the sole one. Who has the most to lose from a trial? Wael? Betancourt. Surely WAMo, not necessarily from any damages he may have to pay Mr. Betancourt, but from all the information that would come out unfiltered at court.

Anonymous said...

Wael's got a ton to lose. the fucking liquidators will be reaching up everybody's a***s to get the money back... they'll probably be paid on a percentage of recovery... WAMo hasn't just walked away his this shithole that he created... He's probably going to have to live with it for the next few years... Any settlement with Betancourt.... He just wants to shut him up permanently... Wael is not really smart but he is wiley.

Anonymous said...

Hi, Shanaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa!

Favourite greeting of WAMo. He has to understand that there are so MANY ways to get at the money he's stashed... not just through him and mitsubishi...

Others will speak.

Anonymous said...

By the way, rumor is that this blog has to be taken down in relation with any "settlement"... however, there are a handful of people with administrator privileges that can choose to continue with the blog somewhere else in this world regardless of any "settlement"... meaning, WAMo is going to have a lot of sleepless nights for many years to come... HIS TRACK RECORD IS PERMANENTLY ESTABLISHED ON THE INTERNET.

Japan Task Force - Jimmy Doolittle said...

No settlement! Betancourt and bloggers should know that there are many people out there willing to pay for WAMo to be dragged into US Federal Court.... we'll be in touch.

Yes, we know that WAMo is trying to work on some Japan Task Force... sounds like another scheme where Wael and Mitsue get all the money and everybody is left out hanging!. Think again wamo and mitsue. all the cities you are trying to screw in japan will post here soon.

Anonymous said...

Wasn't Wael representing "BTU" when he sued/ was sued? If so then can he claim that as the Director/CEO/Managing Partner, etc. of BTU that BTU should pay any settlement? Is this his final knife in the back of the investors? He settles and claims BTU should pay, add Betancourt to the list of creditors of BTU. One more for the liquidators to account for.

Anonymous said...

Wael is not dumb in conventional ways. He will wait to see what Mazto says regarding all this. Oh yeah, one day Judy and Brad will be working on the 105,103rd version of powerpointless and Brad will say... "Has Wael signed-off on these numbers" Somebody else will say, "didn't you hear, Wael and Mitsue left over a month ago... We do't know where they are..."

Brad will say... "How will Wael approve these figures to be presented to the investor that will give us $100s of millions of dollars without asking any questions or asking due diligence questions."

The answer, dear Brad will be, there ain't such fucking mentally deficient investors...

Anonymous said...

Bottom Line, you will have many people with the full force and authority of the law asking questions of all the QGENites, BTUites, etc. Wael has been sheltering money form other peopel... those people will ask everybody where that money is...

Anonymous said...

I heard Betancourt went to Brigham Young University, Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute, The University of Michigan....won't everybody know about alponzeedi by now... i'd be surprised if betancourt didn't already have a manuscript ready with one of these universities for a book by now...

Anonymous said...

heard that Betancourt will be living in another continent soon... what pleasure will wael get regarding an unenforceable settlement somewhere else.... maybe matzo will like it... who knows.

Anonymous said...

DON'T Settle! Keep this blog online until a "PUBLIC" statement of being CRAZY and FUCKING STUPID on local news breaks on how Mr. Betancourt shouldn't have been sued, but rewarded.

He is the only one that can complete this END GAME.

Federal Court March 2012. Don't sign anything to settle.

Go to trial. Defend your name and make it as public as possible. Mr. Betancourt, you will win! The investors will gladly pay you back for all your hard work and being the whistleblower that will be rewarded.

DO NOT SETTLE. FIGHT for your name. You live once and show the world that you are correct and did nothing wrong.

Great blog by the way!

Anonymous said...

Don't settle. You didn't start the fight, but you can end it in court. Set the record straight and clear you good name Mr. Martin Betancourt.

Anonymous said...

I agree. Let the Massachusetts Federal Courts work. Mr. Betancourt wins hands down.

Anonymous said...

Mitsue Oishi is so fu**ing stupid to allow all this money to be wasted.

I guess that is her twist on Japan traditions. Shame on the Oishi family.

Anonymous said...


Who is on the witness list for Mr. Betancourt?

Are they all still around MA area?

Anonymous said...

Skip the book, make the movie! Mr. Betancourt can buy up the domains that former IT Manager Murphy owns!

I bet Murphy would give them to him for free.

Anonymous said...

Settlement or no settlement... Betancourt has a 1st Amendment Right under the US Constitution to SPEAK through this blog! All the facts presented in this blog are defensible as the truth. If it weren't the case, Wael would have paid millions to his lapdog lawyers to ask a judge in the US to issue an injunction against this form of free speech. Think this blog's been on the internet for over 1.5 years... And yet, no notice to cease and desist... BTW, they would have had to fight Google's lawyers first to get the bloggers' identities... So, this record will persist regardless of anything that happens in US courts (settlements, judgments, injunctions, etc.)... The internet belongs to the entire world, not to Wael.

Anonymous said...

Question to Wael: Where's the money?
Answer from Wael: Four Seasons hotels (penthouse suites), first class tickets on Emirates, Etihad, Lufthansa, many carriers from China and Singapore, etc., Expensive office space in Waltham, tailored suits from London, lots of shit from those luggage guys, TUMI, kick-ass iPads, clean underwear, Ernst & Young award for "some shit or another" in New England (including Long Island... what, you mean Long Island is not part of NE... damn, it should be. BTW, I went to Harbard..), leases for Audi, Porsche, Mercedes cars, bank accounts controlled by myself and mituse in: Monaco, maybe. Hong Kong, maybe. Shall I go on? Hey, listen here, I am giving YOU great value for your investment!!!

Anonymous said...

...besides, I had to pay 100,000s of USD to be Invited as an expert to MIT Energy Conferences, U.S.-Arab Economic Forums, and lots of other shit like this all over the world... Including space based solar power conferences in South Africa... Give me a break. I am a busy man!

Anonymous said...

Does Wael know that settlement agreements or court orders from the US are only enforceable in the US. What's to stop anybody in the world from picking up this blog and running with it? Bet you his lawyers have not mentioned that to him. And he is happy that he thinks he's found a way for the truth about him to potentially stop... Dream On Wamo and Mitusebishi

Anonymous said...

I still think Wael WILL NEVER show up in court, federal or state. He'll concoct something. A feigned illness, a grandparent that's died for the 5th time, an obligation to go to Zimbabwe to receive the Entrepreneur of the Millenium Award, some BS. He might even sue somebody else and name everybody else as defendants in some massive conspiracy pleading... Wael is Wiley.

Anonymous said...

Good Fortune International Limited... How's that fortune holding up Wael and Mitsue? Have you been able to replicate it with BTU Power Company and QGEN? You guys were damned good at pulling that off in BTU Power Company II. Wael "sold" Meiya to Wael and agreed to take an $8m million payment to "consult" regarding the sale. Sound like you were trying to replicate the same formula by having BTU Power Company transfer their assets to a company belonging to Mitsue and Weal personally - QGEN. You spent, by the investors accounts, $12million to $15million working on this arrangement. What happened to all the other tens of millions of dividends from BTU Power Company... Is this what Good Fortune International Limited "II" will be all about? who is helping you pull this off now that Faisal Khan, Vikram Airi, and Rafik Nayed are gone?

Anonymous said...

Mr. Betancourt should not settle. He will win, hands down.

Anonymous said...

Or are they all gone, or being paid overseas to hide the real "Fake" company now.

Anonymous said...

Don't settle Mr. Betancourt. Calling former IT Manager Murphy to the stand will reward you for going to Federal Court.

Give us all the chance to hear the TRUTH!

We understand, if you settle, but it makes a shame of this blog, if you do.

You didn't start this LEGAL WAR, but you can end it, in front of your peers in a open Federal Court.

My vote is to go to Court. Move forward, get rewarded by the investors and present owner of the assets.

Anonymous said...

I agree.

Anonymous said...

Mr. Betancourt should call at least these 3 people for his side.

1) Former HR Manager Debbie Zaza
2) Former Contractor Barry Sylvia
3) Former IT Manager Brian Murphy

Anonymous said...

How much is Mr. Betancourt being offered?

1 Million & Legal bills paid?

5 Million & Legal bills paid?

Anonymous said...

What about this shitty site:

What a joke! I love the "Cyber harassment". See below.

"The confluence of interests among the above parties evolved into an orchestrated campaign to undermine our reputation and drain our financial resources through litigation and cyber harassment. This campaign was directed at the BTU Funds, our loyal and dedicated staff, myself personally and even members of my family."

Anonymous said...

Cyber harassment = TRUTH

Anonymous said...

Where is the lawsuit against the lawyer James Commodore?

Anonymous said...

Did he provide Mr. Betancourt all the documents? (source: Pacer)

Anonymous said...

James Commodore had copied all the BTU Legal data to his personal laptop and home desktop, against policy, but never questioned? No legal issue there?

I was told from the BlueLanGroup IT person.

Anonymous said...

I hope has a good lawyer?

Anonymous said...

BlueLangroup hired multiple people and they didn't last. I bet they sue Bluelangroup for placing them in that job.

Anonymous said...

March 2012. The last month.

Money and people are being chopped faster than ever. Only Brad and Judy left.

Called the main numbers and all voicemail.


Anonymous said...

Betancourt DON'T SETTLE! Use your rights to clear your name.

As long as this lie is allowed. Go to Court.

Anonymous said...

Knowing Wael I bet he is offering Betancourt a settlement amount of exactly ZERO. Nothing. WAM continues to believe he is above everything and everybody and people should accept what he "graciously" offers, which is nothing.

Anonymous said...

I just seen Murphy walk into the BSC. He must be working out. I think he has a company opening called with backing from investors near the old office?

How funny, if he uses QGEN2 or something like that.

I will talk to him after his workout.

The PI

Anonymous said...

I like myself :)

Anonymous said...

Hello, who is left at QlownGEN? What is Wael's speaking schedule at the MIT ("pay us enough and we'll let anybody talk") Energy Conference 2012? I am travelling all the way from Qatar so I needs good information. Thank You.

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