Public records (check the Betancourt and McBrearty court dockets as of February 28, 2012) indicate that Almazeedi is trying to reach settlements with the other people he's sued in the US.
Why, if Almazeedi is, as he always claims 100% correct and truthful, would he want to settle with the "nefarious" set of characters that were, as he claims, conspiring against him, plotting against him, trying to do all kinds of nasty things with his assets. Why would he want to come to terms with these liars and scoundrels (per Almazeedi's hystrionics).Maybe none of the sh*t he told the court was true. If anything actually goes to trial and Wael is under cross-examination and testimony from certain witnesses is heard Wael's truths would be shredded. Also:
WilmerHale would look bad.
Leonard Learner would look bad.
FoleyHoag would look bad.
Aha, maybe that's the impetus for this rush to settlements.
- Abdulmohsen Hayat would be very interested in the court proceedings.
- Qatar Investment Authority would be very interested in the court proceedings.
- Qatar National Bank would be very interested in the court proceedings.
- Dubai Islamic Bank would be very interested int the court proceedings.
- Evolvence would be very interested in the court proceedings.
- Millenium Capital would be very interested in the court proceedings.
- Etc. etc. etc. etc. etc. etc.
Pssst.... We are pretty sure there is one person that will not settle no matter what...
Pssst.... Wael, it now only takes us 1 minute to get indexed by Google.
I hope that one person is Mr. Martin Betnacourt the BTU whistleblower!
GO TO COURT. GO TO COURT. I can't wait to see Mitsue working at D&D for tips! :)
LOL. Showtime. Shutup or showup time!
I'm not sure what toll these past three years have taken on Betancourt. I can only imagine. When you battle someone with unlimited funds you have to get by on FACTS and the TRUTH. No matter WAMO is exposed for what he is.
Mr. Betancourt has had 3 years of shit and time for the shit to either stick in Federal Court or the shit is going to hit the fan!
Hint: Mitsue get mop the house will have alot of shit on the floor soon! Get more UNDERWEAR!
I'm for Betancourt going to Federal Court to clear his good name and win his case.
3 years of shit to clear your name and win back your legal bill and damages.
Why was the Murphy settlement quickly filed, not by his layer. I heard they wanted his iPhone and to go thru his personal PRIVATE information.
I guess to find something of value to build a company on since Mitsue was hitting a wall of nothing for the past few years.
Why WASTE all that money on lawyers? Then settle? I guess the leaked information to the Boston Business Journal, whom no one reads, about Murphy. (leaked by WhilmerHale Lawer), then WhilmerHale drops their client, then they can't knock out 1 lawyer? 7 lawyers vs 1 lawyer? I like the Murphy lawyer.
It proved Money doesn't buy you everything. The truth hurts. I guess Murphy was smart enough to hire the right lawyer to defend the FALSE lawsuit. And to CONFIRM it was a shame complaint, it was settled after thousand of hours for what? NOTHING!!! Yeah, that makes alot of sense, right.
Now it is the Betancourt case. BetanCOURT will be heading to COURT soon. And it appears that all past contracters and employees are glad to walk into the Massachusetts Federal Courtroom to backup Betancourt. If he asks, I know alot of us will gladly testify.
I know that Christina Stephens a.k.a. "Husky German" will cry her ass "Taking the 5th". But a civil case doesn't allow you to take the "5th". Maybe a 5th grade education is all she knows.
Man was she FAT! I heard Mitsue hates the guy that knocked her up? An old boyfriend that was a loser! I guess he likes the MAN figure of the HUSKY sheman. LOL
I wonder who will pay her legal bill now. I bet she is collecting since she is clueless and no one would hire her to do anything. She does know how to plant recording devices right? She answered "I take the 5th." "I bet if Betancourt yells in Court "Christina get me a coffee or Tea, she will jump." She was shit. She was tossed out like shit, like yesterday's trash.
March is looking like a GREAT Month. QGEN = GAME OVER.
Grand cayman
All that MONEY and the best school Yasmeen got into is UCLA? Really??? LOL.
Is Carl frost still there? He was the clowngen Information Technology low paid person.
The current IT Manager was fired or got the "Lay-off" line like Alex U.
Is this his facebook page? Or is it another Carl Frost? This one needs a gym!
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