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Anonymous said...

Wael's most visited section is seemingly back in business...

Carolus Martellus said...

Wael is seemingly in check. He's got tow lawsuits that will be going to trial in early March. Investors are petitioning to wind-up BTU Power Company. DIB is suing to get back control of their shares held in trust. BTU Holdings Company is in liquidation. Hayat's litigation in Massachusetts must be at the discovery stage now.

What are Wael and Simon Firth working on to prolong Wael's access to the middle east investors dividends?

Anonymous said...

I traveled with Simon Firth and WAM to the Middle East once to meet with investors in Qatar and Dubai. Simon seemed to be pretty good at coming up with ways to please Wael even though that meant that the investors would get screwed.

I think Simon is originally Australian. Well, as they say in Australia, "no worries"

Anonymous said...

March 2012, the end game. GAME OVER.

I like this posting above "(there AIN'T no f***ing potential investors unless said investors are mentally detached from reality). "

Keep them coming.


Anonymous said...

Their will be a party in the back of the Court House!

Betancout wins! Hands down!

Anonymous said...

I've got to say, this is a very interesting blog! As a former employee, it's a cathartic read. I always knew something was amiss at that company. I kept expecting to walk up to the office one day and see FBI agents hovering about. In any event, it's definitely been good for a few outrageous stories and laughs.

Anonymous said...

LOL. This is the best thing that has ever happened to anyone whom ever work for QGEN etc...

Anonymous said...

Shit's going to hit the fan with all these fake companies flying around that have almost the exact same name but are totally different... Massachusetts and US Federal Courts and Cayman Islands courts are not going to look kindly on all this smoke and mirrors... Simon Firth, good job so far...

Anonymous said...

Simon says "SHIT!"

Anonymous said...

Simon says "Why hasn't check cleared?"

Anonymous said...

I've heard that Mr. Betancourt will be in Massachusetts during the BTU/McBrearty trial in Mass. State Court and during the BTU/Betancourt trial in US Federal Court and will be getting tickets to the MIT Energy Conference! I wonder what kind of questions he'll ask WAM regarding QGEN's salvatioon of the world?

Anonymous said...

wael's btufacts.org website does not show any updates regarding betancourt litigation. he already has been served with a court order where the federal judge said he's going to jury trial with betancourt in early march.

Anonymous said...

did anybody notice that the btufacts.org site has a copyright that is blank?

© 2011

jThis means Wael has run out of fake company names to put on his websites. maybe its just and oversight. he has always been pretty careful about this type of shit though. maybe bloggers should just take the entire contents of the website and do with it as they please. wael could never claim that the copyright for BLANK " " was violated.

who knows. maybe he formed another company in caymans that is just known as " "

Anonymous said...

Was Cris Thomas any good at IT? Is he the same Cris that was setting up all these portals for investors to access all kinds of information regarding their investment in BTU Powr Company way back in 2005? I was told that a Cris was giving lessons to Dubai Islamic Bank on accessing intralinks way back then.

Anonymous said...

This Glenn Sampson guy that works for Almazeedi and QGEN seems way old to the point of being a fossil. Says in his LinkedIn profile he started college 1965. If you estimate that he graduated high school when he was 18 and went to 4 yr college afterwards (working backwards) 1965 - 18 this means that "Old Man Gle n n" was born in 1947. This makes him at least 65 yrs. time for social security pops instead of playing games with wael alponzeedi.

Anonymous said...

Cris was hired by Al-Mazeedi back in Burlington MA office. He was a work-a-holic so he was just like someone else, his boss. Alot of time wasted doing nothing.

That portal sucked for Dubai Islamic Bank. I don't recall who idea it was then.

Anonymous said...

GS is so old, but smart enough to get FREE money for doing nothing. Soon he will get a layoff and can collect for at least a year before Social Security time.

Anonymous said...

Everyone... MARCH... March....MARCH....2012... March... March 2012... Be there...

LOL... Cool that I have 3 weeks vacation to enjoy the 3 week trial of the Betancourt case.

He, Mr. Martin Betancourt will win, hands down.

Anonymous said...

The court in the cayman islands that is hearing the Hayat litigation might be interested to know that Wael Al Mazeedi tried to meet with Khaled Al Muhairy (Evolvence)in Dubai regarding "fundraising" to "take out" the loan used by BTU Power Company II to acquire Meiya Power llllooooonnnnnnggggg after Wael claims he had his "split" with Hayat over the Evolvence "issue" There are emails that validate this...

Anonymous said...

I'm sure Khaled and/or Evolvence have these emails. Someone at BTU has these as well. Supposedly some former employee at BTU has the whole volume of the DIB-BTU correpondence covering 7+ years of communication.

Anonymous said...

Oh yeah, I think someone said it was Commodre that had it. it was his insurance against Wael.

Anonymous said...

JCommodore copied all this when he was doing his research on repayment of the equity bridge loan for TAPCO and Dubai Islamic Bank's obligations to Qatar National Bank under the letter of credit guarantee. That a boy, James!

Anonymous said...

The only insurance against Wael is the truth. Maybe Commodore's files are the truth.

Anonymous said...

Yes, Thomas set up the portals via Intralinks and traveled to Dubai-Bahrain-Qatar with Shana (Legal at the time) to show the investors how to use it. Yes he was a work a holic but I wouldn't see he did nothing. He was able to get the infrastructure in the new Waltham office and the Dubai office completely set up. Although I suspect that once Megan was hired as his assistant there probably wasn't much for him to do. And then when Margret? (Forget which one it was, there were so many) came in and basically couldn't manage shit pretty much all work stopped on everything by everyone. She was soooo ineffective as a manager, but she was very good at manipulating Wael and getting anyone she didn't like to quit. Of course this one of the lulls in hiring, I think the company was down to 12 ? people when Thomas left so it is not like there was a lot to do anyway.

Anonymous said...

It is the same shit over and over, but now the company will be out of income soon. I doubt Mitsue is going to tap into "her" savings to play for these games.

Anonymous said...

Faisal is no longer an employee. He is all done there. He always said "He only came back to CLOSE DOWN shop the correct way, else he would leave again."

Well, he left, so one can assume he didn't want to deal with the US Federal Courts.

He did a Forrest Gump... Run Faisal... Run..

Anonymous said...

As the MIS people now told me, James Commodore copied ALL the legal documents (Of all the companies) to his computer as his insurance, but action was taken against him. Nothing like Mr. Betancourts or other employee.

Why is that?

Anonymous said...

No ACTION was ever taken against Mr. James Commodore. Other than he was force to use a computer that he would have to login to use the INTERNET and a 2nd Login to allow him to do his work.

But I heard that his email was completely filtered by former IT Manager Murphy, in which all of his email was filtered by an approved list of email address. HIGHLY FILTERED and watched all the time per Christina Stephens. Christina Stephen had access to everyone in the company email address.

I think James Commodore was pissed that he was treated like a second class person and employee.

He was never sued for copying all the data, nor were his personal media ever checked by forensic computer experts. As like the Mr. Betancourt and Mr. Murphy cases, it makes you wonder why?

Anonymous said...

IT Manager Murphy was instructed to have the entire company use the same 2 logins for all employees, as James Commodore.

Anonymous said...

Our Webmail was disabled and we could only work with a VPN.

No wireless
No Bluetooth
No USB pen drives

2 accounts sucked and it was a way to have no "Real" work get completed. I thin that was the goal. Just to waste time and give Mitsue a reason to be in the office where nothing gets done.

March 2012 will be a great time! Sucks to be the lawyers, whom will not get paid soon.

The one-way tickets are purchased. Watch and learn. A rat will run.

Anonymous said...

The rat is Faisal, and he ran fast!

Anonymous said...

March 2012. The End.

Stay tuned.

The Mole

Anonymous said...

"F.K.-U" is a smart fellow. He knew exactly when to disappear (i.e. "pursue other opportunities") after the whole Meiya Power Company imbroglio. He knew there were plenty of pissed-off people after the whole made-up drama regarding the "take-out" of the PSEG debt facility that was then picked-up by Dresdner Kleinwort Benson. It was all f***ing smoke and mirrors. Wael knew that he had the Middle East investors by the b*lls. WAM's able lieutenant, Shana Sadiq also knew this.

Faisal shows up again in Waltham a little over a year after the swindling of the Meiya Power Company (BTU Power Company II) investors. He figures the smoke has cleared by this time.

FK U returns to work for "BTU Industries" instead of his previous employer, "BTU Ventures"... WTF is the difference... Let's first start with the difference between BTU Ventures, LLC and BTU Ventures, Inc. Same f***ing company, right? WRONG. But wait a second, it's all "BTU" right? WRONG.

Summary to this rambling comment. Faisal Khan (FK) would not willingly walk away from a job that was paying him anywhere from $350K to $400K for doing nothing... Moreover, Wael Al Mazeedi would not allow someone that knows ALL of Wael's secrets out of his sight and control.

Something is going on... FK has been Wael's right hand man going back to early 2000s. It's all kind of funny since Faisal Khan and Shana Sadiq, Wael's most faithful lieutenants are both originally from Pakistan. Wael ALWAYS pejoratively referred to people from Pakistan as "PAKIs"... He held them in contempt and viewed them as FAR below his level (whatever that might be)

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

Faisal Khan (FK), how are You? (U)... shorthand is FK U.

Anonymous said...

someone told me that Mr. Commodore has lost 10 lbs. recently... he has now slimmed down to 320.

Anonymous said...

Did he shit out his lunch? That would be 10 lbs!

Anonymous said...

FK U is on the run. I bet he is on bottom grabbing his heels soon.

Anonymous said...


No FAKE QGEN fooling MIT this year!

The money is running out!

Anonymous said...


Let me know when those Qgen Macintosh computers are on FIRE SALE!

Thanks big guy. Keep walking around the office park, someday the card access keys won't work when you go out for a walk.

Get yourself a GYM membership and bill QGEN or one of those shell companies. Put in on one of those Lawyers invoices as an expense.

We know Christina Stephens and LoAn Le fudged Mitsue expense reports all the time. And she "Wasn't a LEGAL EMPLOYEE". You better cover your ass because it won't look good soon.

Grab your ankles, this one is going to HURT.


The Zit

Anonymous said...

Does Hayat know that WAM never "rolled up" BTU Capital Group LLC and BTU Ventures, LLC into BTU Ventures, Inc.? BTU Ventures, LLC. and BTU Ventures, Inc. always remained separate entities. BTU Ventures, LLC. was WAM's "baby" since it was supposedly the culmination of one of his classes at H BS. BTU Ventures, Inc. was created to be the "service provider" to BTU Power Company. What does this all mean? One of the posts in this blog is in the right track. Actually, it's more than one post since several have dealt with WAM's shell games.

Anonymous said...

And yes, Alex U, as well as FK U will likely be dragged into court no matter where they go. They are the only 2 people (in addition to Mitsue) that have been part of BTU Ventures, Inc. BTU Industries Holdings USA, Inc. QGEN (USA) Inc. etc. and know the progression of the BS and the diversion of investors' money for WAMo's and Mitsue's personal use.

Also, someone has lied on the latest annual report filing by BTU Industries Holdings (USA) Inc. to the Secretary of the Commonwealth in Massachusetts... Bloggers, check it out... They changed the Employer Identification Number, provided by the US Government (the IRS)

Anonymous said...

How can they change the Employer Identification number? I guess it is a shell game too!

Anonymous said...

Did Mr. Alex Ucciferri have his own company before working here. Is he just as greedy? Or stupid to be there.

Well I guess as least he has a job, but is stealing from the true investors, so he will be in court soon too for FRAUD.

Anonymous said...

I bet Alex is saying under his breathe

"Mitsue - Please supersize my last paycheck.

I know where all the money is...It won't be there when you go looking for it.

Anonymous said...

They can't change the EIN. Every distinct company has a unique EIN. The US Government makes sure of that because they want to collect every penny they can...

Sooooo....... you can't change the EIN for a company but you can lie about the EIN you report to the Secretary of the Commonwealth, Corporations Division... they don't actually check it. partly because they figure someone would not be stupid enough to f*ck around with that given the possible wrath of the IRS.

Just remember.... the FBI got Al Capone not because they were ever able to provide evidence about his crimes.... they got Al Capone (Al Mazeedi?) because of income tax evasion... don't f*ck around with the Tax Man.

Anonymous said...

Alex U get ready to get dragged in by the IRS in one of their audits... They will ask, your boss claims to control a billion dollar company... yet he's never paid a single cent in corporate income tax... and by the way, he has all these offshore bank accounts in Monaco, Hong Kong, Geneva, Cayman Islands... etc. and it looks like he floats money around from one US company to the other by declaring those flows as "loans"... curious, very curious... by the way, we need to talk to FK U as well as you, Alex U.

Anonymous said...

BTW. There's an obvious reason why WAM would like BTU Ventures, LLC much better than BTU Ventures, Inc. An LLC is a "pass-through" entity in the US. Meaning that they are not taxed on any of their income.

If there were millions and millions of dollars flowing through "BTU Ventures"... which "Ventures" do you think WAM would like that cash to pass through... BTU Ventures, LLC (pays no taxes) or BTU Ventures, Inc. (pays taxes).

How about Fiona (Mitsue). she must surely have a preference. and PWC, wael's trusted financial advisors as well as Henry Tiedemann?

Anonymous said...

Bloggers on this site have it all wrong about Alex and accounting. The BTU/QGEN accounting people only know waht Wael, Mitsue, Christina and LoAn tell them. Alex doesn't "know" where the "money" is. All money comes from BTU Power or Power Management. Any money Wael or Mitsue has is not knowledge to Alex. Christina is the one who would know, but didn't she take the 5th?
Wael never trusted the accountants after the Controller who notified the investors of issues left.
With everything going on Wael trusts no one, even Mituse. I wonder if Mitsue is the "Mole" on this site?
It is wrong to state that Alex is Wael's connfidant and knows details that others don't. He isn't part of the planning or the execution of anything that Wael does. Chistina is the internal person who knows the details of Wael/Mitsue. She was the CFO when she was there. She approved everything and only Wael, Mitsue and Christina had the ability to contact the foreign banks. I heard that Wael told Alex that the HSBC contact person would be fired if they ever spoke to anyone BUT Wael, Mitsue or Christina. Alex will not be the source of additional info. The auditors/investigators can look at the bank statements and documents and know as much as Alex does.

Anonymous said...

Alex knows more than he is saying to whoever posted that above.

He is the "CONTROLLER to QGEN". He pays all the invoices late, once they are signed off.

Henry and Alex will sing to the courts soon, to save their own asses.

Anonymous said...

Yes, Christina Stephen took the 5th? But I bet she is still getting paid thru Germany, else she will be lying in U.S. Federal Court soon.

March 2012. The game is over soon.

Anonymous said...



They Paid Laywers too much for no results.

They sued consultants for nothing.

They sued former employees for nothing.

They have NO ASSETS.

They PAY NO Income Taxes on any shell company located in Massachusetts. That will be fun information for a jury to heard that in court.

They have NO PATENTS.

They have NO EXPERTS. (unless you count the paid bloggers by QGEN to make up stories on the internet.)

They are doomed soon.

Mitsue you know this, that is why she has to drive her own ass into work everyday.

Question: Did you move enough money to live on it when the SHIT hits the fan soon.

Question: Will you leave someone side when the United Stated Federal Court Judge rips you a new ass soon? You game is about to end, I hope you have more money in hidden accounts.

It must suck knowing all you time and money for nothing.

Anonymous said...

Nice post Christina or LoAn! Keep them coming.

Anonymous said...

There are less people in the office every day, two more left, WAM will fell very lonely very soon! How many left? 6? 7? LOL

I would say the end will be sooner than March 2012

Unknown said...

By now everybody knows that there is only one source of cash that WAMo has been tapping for all his escapades, including FATE and QGEN. BTU Power Company receives dividends in an offshore bank account (possibly Caymans, maybe Monaco). BTU Power Company pays a management fee to BTU Power Management Company equivalent to 1% of invested capital. End of story. How complicated could the accounting possibly be.

All of the "accounting" at the project level (in TAPCo and CPC) is done by the staff working for the power plants.

In his LinkedIn profile (see below) Mr. U claims that at QGEN he reconciles "Intercompany transactions for 12 Affiliates"


September 2007 – Present (4 years 6 months)

Private Equity in Energy Projects and Power Plants

Lead all A/P, A/R, G/L, Payroll, tax planning, Ad-Hoc Financial reporting, Cash Budgeting
Interface with the company's external auditors & attorneys, CPA, insurance brokers, and vendors
Human Resources benefit administration
Oversee & Train one Staff Accountant
Reconcile Intercompany transactions for 12 Affiliates
Annual Audit Preparation compliant to International Financial Reporting Standard (IFRS); equity accounting

January 2011: Changed to QGEN (USA), Inc.
October 2010: Promoted to Controller
February 2009: Hired as a FTE

What has Mr. U been busy working on? According to the petition by the Qatar Investment Authority they've not been provided with the financial information that BTU Power Company is OBLIGATED to provide. Almazeedi has even admitted that they are not in a position to be able to provided it or something to that effect

QIA Petition
37. Despite repeated requests, the Company has consistently refused to provide the Petitioners with information regarding the Company's investments, in violation of its obligations under the Constituent Documents. The Company has either refused to provide the information or manufactured excuses to delay or withhold the requested information.

38. By way of example only, on or about 8 July 2010, the Company refused to provide the Petitioners and the other Preference Shareholders with the unaudited quarterly financial statements that are required under the Constituent Documents. The Company acknowledged that it has "not been in a position to issue such statements for some time now", but claimed that providing such quarterly statements "would be prohibitively expensive and inaccurate" because the underlying assets used different accounting methods or did not issue quarterly financial statements that could be incorporated into a quarterly report. As a result, the Petitioners and other Preference Shareholders have not received any of the required quarterly financial statements in years.

Curious, very, very curious to say the least...

Just a quick thought. Mr. U is responsible for reconciling cash flows amongst 12 QGEN affiliates. Yet he obviously hasn't produced the one thing that he, as the main accounting person, should be able to provide to the owners of BTU Power Company (the only revenue-producing entity that WAM has his fingers on...)

Does this possibly mean that he probably knows how the cash is moved around amongst the 12 affiliates.

Unknown said...

In all fairness, he probably does not know where the cash goes after it enters the personal account of WAMo and Mitsue. HSBC Monaco (some guy named Michel) and Henry T (works as some sort of personal financial advisor/manager for WAM and Mitsue) would be better bets regarding the stuff that happens after the money has been sloshed around 12 different affiliates.

Anonymous said...

Old trick: using intercompany loans to avoid "bringing" $$$ into the US and declaring as "income" (which would be taxes by the IRS). Better to have some cayman affiliate "lend" you the money. That way you get to spend millions and millions and millions the way WAM has done inside the USA without paying the tax man.

Anonymous said...

Brad D., Busola, Receptionist, Glenn S., Dan R., "New Christina", Wael, Alex U.,
World Dominant QGEN (except for the fact Glenn S and Dan R supposedly work for BTU Ventures)

Anonymous said...

you forgot Xin Li. He's bravely surfed the internet to the outer edges of the universe and back multiple times while working for Wael. It's been 5 yrs. since BTU/QGEN whatever had any business whatsoever in china. I think he's still the VP for BTU China? Anyhow, he's indisputably a nice guy.

Anonymous said...

Who's "New Christina"?

Anonymous said...

Another dope! Perfect match and replacement of Christina aka HUSKY GERMAN.

Anonymous said...

Xin Li - I hear from Murphy that your penny stock pick of the ReadyIce in in the .pk market and to stay away.

Murphy was right on that one. Xin Li, any new stocks that you want to share.

I heard QGEN is a SELL. Soon to be out of business.

but it that QGEN Inc.? LL? (USA)? (Cayman)? LOL.

Worth as much as that ReadyIce cheap stock.

Anonymous said...

Xin Li is a nice guy.

He is smart and reads everything in Chinese so that our 2 IT idiots don't know what he is reading.

But how smart is he, look who he works for!

Anonymous said...

Alex is in like on the shell game. I hope he thinks he can get away with making false accounting forever.

Alex - Run like Faisal! He told you to leave, you had your chance.

Anonymous said...

Why in the world would QGEN "blah blah blah" need a controller? Back in Burlington they used Quickbooks for Mac? Later, in Waltham they continued with Quickbooks on Mac?

A Billion dollar dreamer... What happened to everyone else? LoAn Le (fired), Christina Stephens (fired), Geoffrey Kent (QUIT, smart one!), Renu (Did she get the layoff?)

Anonymous said...


Mitsue must have lost her mind since Burlington to allow this to go on for so long. Not too smart for a lady from Japan.

Anonymous said...


I think Mr. Betancourt can request forensics on those PGP laptops now that are not secure.

LOL. I remember all the crap that it took to get them setup so quickly and to know that there is a backdoor and now this issue. I bet someone isn't happy about this news.

But he never listened to his IT Managers nor consultants that say there were backdoors. Easy to crack PGP.

LOL... Feel back for the 2 IT guys now.

Anonymous said...

Who were the IT Consultant(s) and IT Manager at the time?


Anonymous said...

Bluelangroup hire QUIT in a few weeks. HE RAN like Faisal did last week!

Anonymous said...

Bluelangroup placed the 2 current clowns. Glad to see "1 Billion" dollar get these clowns.

Anonymous said...

What was the consultant that was from China? He was too smart to work for QGEN. I remember Alex U. never paid him on time, unless he had to.

Anonymous said...

That was Lee Sho? (SP)

Anonymous said...

Did Cris Thomas setup PGP?

Anonymous said...

No, it was the guy after him.

Anonymous said...

PGP is so easy to crack.

Anonymous said...

really? how?

Anonymous said...

Can't say here. I don't want someone to freak out.

Anonymous said...

Forensics isn't a science, it is a trick.

Anonymous said...

We all have PGP on our MacBook Pros.

Anonymous said...

All those cameras in the new office...

Check the cameras, see if you find who is going in there and you not noticing. You must be blind.

Those FATE and QGEN card keys are so easy to bypass.

Where is John, he must have had too many donuts to see straight or over his belly!

March 2012 The Beginning of the End.

Anonymous said...

The office sucks, only the fools remain.

Anonymous said...

& Alex, Judy and Brad remain.

Anonymous said...

The final countdown until Federal Court. I laugh knowing how much must be wasted on a lawyers who don't give a shit about QGEN or any of their employees. Only that Alex, get their invoices paid, else the courts will come knocking.

March 2012. The End.

Anonymous said...

Is Yasmeen at UCLA @ Theta Chi Fraternity at UCLA?

See? http://www.facebook.com/michelle.glymph

See what Music she likes...

Anonymous said...

Yup. http://www.facebook.com/people/Jackie-Oka/581549621

She must be getting it like the investors are...from some American kid.

Anonymous said...

someone should look into BL Risk Strategies LLC, Michael J. Stephens' consulting company. Provider of services to "BTU Industries...." Supposedly this rent-a-cop was former FBI special agent and Special Forces operative (e.g. "special Olympics type thing????)

He is alleged father to Christina "Pleader of the 5th" Stephens....

Anonymous said...

Yeah, we ask because we have a copy of his Security Handbook... probably the one he used to try to scare people at "BTU Industries" to sign their confidentiality policy (even though NONE of them actually worked for BTU Industries... This was just another way for Wael and Mitsue to GET THEIR WAY with their "minions" with the help of the girth and father of Christina Stephens.

Anonymous said...

I guess Faisal is officially gone from BTU after all. He now lists no current employer and "BTU" as past employer.

Christina S left "BTU" at the beginning of 2011.
Faisal K left "BTU" at the beginning of 2012.

Those two were Wael's closest and most trusted confidants. They are also the two that know all of Wael's secrets.

Interesting that Wael would let them out his sight/control. Either that rats really are leaving the ship... or?

Unknown said...

Funny shit. New tenants at 1000 Winter St, Suite 4400, Waltham, MA are actually a REAL company.

You can find their name (Evercore)in publications like the Financial Times, Fortune, CNBC, and Institutional Investor. See their profile below. They supposedly have $13 billion under management and are advisers in $1 trillion of announced transactions.

If Evercore only knew that the previous tenant was Private Equity Titan, Wael Almazeedi, they would hang their heads in shame at their smallness.

If they want to know whose HUGE shoes they are unsuccessfully trying to fill, they can check out the "press" on WAMo.

Fake blogger sites such as:

A couple of links are shown below.


Evercore is a premier independent investment banking advisory firm.
We founded Evercore in 1996, on the premise that clients would be best served by an investment banking firm free of the conflicts of interest inherent to large, multi-product financial institutions. We believed our model would attract the most talented senior finance professionals to our firm. We believed that by maintaining the highest standards of excellence we could create a firm unlike any other in terms of capabilities to advise on highly complex strategic transactions, dedication to our client and our experience and professionalism.

Today, we serve a prominent and diverse set of clients and investors, including leading multinational corporations, large institutional investors and financial sponsors, and high net worth individuals.

Investment Banking Advisory Services ~ more than $1 trillion in announced transactions:

Mergers and acquisitions
Divestitures and restructurings
Financings, public offerings, private placements and other strategic transactions
High quality research, sales and trading execution

Investment Management Services ~ over $13 billion in assets under management:
Institutional asset management
Wealth management
Specialized investment management, independent fiduciary and trustee services
Private equity funds management
Our global expansion continues in order to ensure the worldview and international knowledge base that is now critical to all investors. Today, our offices in the U.S., the U.K., Mexico, Brazil, and Hong Kong are complemented by strategic alliances with leading firms in China, Japan, Korea and Argentina.
We continually strive to enhance our capabilities and expand our global reach in order to provide the highest caliber of service to our clients.

Unknown said...

Maybe they'll invite Almazeedi over so he can give them some pointers on building world-dominant companies such as QGEN, BTU Ventures, BTU Industries, FATE, MW Partners, etc.

Anonymous said...

I wonder if they were able to get enough disinfectant to get rid of the stench of failure.

I also wonder if they've had the place "swept for bugs" periodically, just like Wael did (we are not talking ants, fruit flies, or silverfish. we are talking bugs from all the NON-EXISTENT conspirators that are conspiring conspiracies).

The very second WAM heard (real or not) an ODD sound he thought that it was Hayat snooping on him. Faithful Christina Stephens would proceed to call the "exterminators"....

Anonymous said...

LOL. Yes that is true. I remember former IT Manager Murphy had to swap out his phone in his office. Murphy called the phone guys who did this.

He(Phone guy) walked in the CEO Office.

He (Phone guy) listen to the line. (noise).

He disconnected the phone and walked out of the office with Murphy. They walked to the kitchen to get a coffee and then walked right back with the same phone!

Nothing was wrong with the phone. I think they cleaned it and that was it.

Billed Travel and Time for NOTHING. He still has the same phone to this day.

Anonymous said...

Ms. "HUSKY" Christina Stephens was a joke. Her Dad was a joke too.

His training book and all the fake business cards he handed people were so entertaining.

Christina had her "Special Forces" sticker on her crappy America made Jeep. It was falling apart and even drove around without a bumper for a while. She was paid probably $100,000.00 as a high school dropout. No college. No figure. Butt Ugly horrid person. She will get what is coming back to her 10 fold. The "Special Forces" was so cheezy, hence the FAT ASS and FAT EVERYTHING. I heard she had a baby with the boyfriend that Mitsue hates! I wonder what it looks like?

Her joke of a father "Security" Expert. He was a RENT-A-Cop security manager of "RENT-A-COPS". He lied to people here when that training took place.

He said he was an FBI Agent, which he is not.

He said he "Worked as an agent" which he did not.

I think he was trying to say that he will be getting paid $2,500.00 a month to be the "Head of Security but I have no clue. Here are some crappy books that are useless."

Everyone at the time worked for BTU Ventures, got paid from BTU Industries, but had emails and business cards of QGENENERGY.com. It was too funny then and it is too funny now.

I feel bad for Graphics Department Manager Brad (1 guy to manage, just himself) who had to always make up these FAKE business cards, but he and Judy could never figure out what company they wanted them for.

I remember they handed out QGEN cards to a few employees with email address that didn't have an email server for that company name. No one told the IT Manager. I believe this was the first MIT thing that they were doing. They printed a huge sign, but forgot the most basic information.

I remember Monica even had QGEN and Fate consortium cards at the MIT thing. She handed out the wrong cards. (Well she was the tutor to Yasmeen, back then and got hired.)

MIT was a joke. The booth was so small and a waste of time. QGEN has never hired one engineer from there.

Anonymous said...

Good post.

The "Special Forces" Husky girl and her father, who was paid as "Director of Security" didn't notice IT Manager Murphy making backup copies of her daughter "Taking the 5th" for the security videos that IT Manager Murphy filed with the U.S. Federal Courts for Illegal wiretapping of Mr. Betancourt.

I think Ms. Stephens and her Dad should lose some weight.

Mr. Betancourt should file Civil Case against Ms. Christina Stephens and her Dad for illegally recording him. She who paid for those legal bills?

Anonymous said...

I wonder if Betancourt will file one? I would.

Anonymous said...

What ever happened to those videos?

Anonymous said...

they are still being held by the US Federal Court in Boston. murphy made sure they wouldn't disappear.

Anonymous said...

I bet they are still on his iPhone that they attempted to get, but failed to get. (Source: From Court papers & this blog)

Anonymous said...

Yes. It is still on his phone, we didn't get it.

Anonymous said...

He sold that phone on ebay for 1,000,000.00 US$ to Mr. Hayat! :)

Anonymous said...

You people are smoking craKKKKK!

Anonymous said...

1,000,000.00 US$ for an iPhone is pretty good!

Anonymous said...

I notice on Google Earth the someone has a new car.

Anonymous said...

Using the Google Insider (It see inside house too). I see a black car and a silver car. Monitoring now...

Anonymous said...

That "Google Insider" sounds exactly like what Wael always thought the investors and Hayat were doing... Walking through walls, listening surreptitiously on his GRANDiose ideas, reading HIS mind... Always trying to steal his ideas. Actually, suspending belief for a bit, if anybody ever managed to "break into" WAMo's "brain" all they might find is: ZZZZZ$$$$$$$$$ZZZZZZZZZZ$$$$$$$$ZZZZZZZ$$$$$$$

Anonymous said...

The problem is that "Google Insider" would find NO VALUE anywhere! Maybe 2 leased cars, but nothing else.

Fools are so easy to believe anything.

Anonymous said...

The investors are the only fools here!

Anonymous said...

WOW. That former IT Manager Murphy Apple (AAPL) stock is kicking ass!

It is true he has over $800K in Apple stock for a small $6,000 investment back in 1997?

Good for him!

I would call him one smart investor.

Anonymous said...

Do you have his email? I wonder if he will share his stock picks?

Anonymous said...

check his blog http://imurphit.blogspot.com/

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

Murphy bought Apple (AAPL) at $4.00 back in 1997. Great purchased!

I know he bought more at $79.00 a few years ago, when everyone else was panic selling, he bought some at 3:45 p.m. and now it is $502.60/share!

Great Investor and great father too.

Anonymous said...

Does anyone know who Ashley Fitzgerald is? Apparently this individual was arrested for assault & battery at "QGEN / 890 WINTER ST #310" on January 17, 2012 around 6:20 pm. Seems the alarm was tripped. This comes from the Waltham Police logs.

Anonymous said...

Confirmed recently:
Alex U. is gone.
Faisal K. is gone.

Known before:
Lo-An L. is gone.
Christina S. is gone.
Ian C. is gone.

Maybe not all were confidantes of Wael Almazeedi.
However, all were close to Wael Almazeedi.

With this inner circle gone, how is Wael getting things done? Are there new suckers filling those roles? Or, since QGEN/BTU were companies that did nothing maybe Wael can handle all the "nothing" by himself.

Anonymous said...

I guess Judy and Brad are the only ones left.

Anonymous said...

Judy is not a dumb person.
Brad is not a ???? person.

SEEB is dead.
ElMed is dead.
Victorville is dead.
Bowie is dead.
The 20 GE turbines are dead.
Iryx is dead.
so on and so forth.

What other make-believe projects is QGEN/BTU and Almazeedi "conceiving of" such that Judy and Brad would be busy making powerpointless presentations to non-existent investors?

Well, maybe we should revisit.

Judy is a ???? person.
Brad is a ???? person.

As has been said here thousands of times, "as long as the checks keep clearing (or the direct deposit made)" the show will go on.

Anonymous said...

Tibor T. (independent contractor)
Emil M.
Busola O.
Brad D.
Judy W. (independent contractor)
Possibly a "new Christina"
Possibly a new receptionist.

That's the management team QGEN claims has closed over $20 billion dollars of power investments?

Who's left?

Anonymous said...

Don't forget Xinli. In the few moments of spare time he has due to the heavy requirements that all the QGEN/BTU - China business deals place on him he has still managed to map, re-map, chart, re-chart the entire known universe of the internet (by bravely surfing it all) multiple times.

Anonymous said...

I bet Tibor is H1B
I bet Emil is H1B
I bet Busola is H1B
I bet Xinli is H1B.

Wael's ways of keeping control over people. He can revoke their H1B status at any time by dismissing them. Look at the 103... many of them will turn out to have been H1Bs.

CS said...

The end is coming. My lawyers invoice better get paid!

Anonymous said...

Mitsue said "F U CS!"

Anonymous said...

No one is getting paid, especially the stupid lawyers! Good luck cashing those checks. "Did you get the cash up front?" Or the check is in the mail?

Anonymous said...

CS I thought you took the Fifth? I see that you can freely post here. Get ready for Federal Court.

Anonymous said...

Murphy will gladly testify for Mr. Betancourt. Give his lawyer a call / heads up, once the date is scheduled.

Anonymous said...

QGEN = JOKE on investors.

Anonymous said...

Post in the other section. It is working again.

Anonymous said...

The other section is NOT working - doesnt show comments > 1200

Best to post here

Anonymous said...

Settlement or no settlement... Betancourt has a 1st Amendment Right under the US Constitution to SPEAK through this blog! All the facts presented in this blog are defensible as the truth. If it weren't the case, Wael would have paid millions to his lapdog lawyers to ask a judge in the US to issue an injunction against this form of free speech. Think this blog's been on the internet for over 1.5 years... And yet, no notice to cease and desist... BTW, they would have had to fight Google's lawyers first to get the bloggers' identities... So, this record will persist regardless of anything that happens in US courts (settlements, judgments, injunctions, etc.)... The internet belongs to the entire world, not to Wael.

Anonymous said...

Post in the other section.

Anonymous said...

Hello, who is left at QlownGEN? What is Wael's speaking schedule at the MIT ("pay us enough and we'll let anybody talk") Energy Conference 2012? I am travelling all the way from Qatar so I needs good information. Thank You.

Anonymous said...

Hey, even if betancourt settled with WAMo that wouldn't mean anything. if he contributes to this blog he could just go to another country. Civil litigation settlements are pretty much unenforceable outside the US. Simple. He keeps talking.

Anonymous said...


Betancourt will NOT settle! Get over it. get over yourself. See you in court.

The Investor

Anonymous said...

I hope Betancourt goes into Court for at least 1 day! It should only take 1 day before the checkbook comes out.

Anonymous said...

Don't settle.

Anonymous said...

Why isn't this updated in a while?

Anonymous said...

I bet the money has run out.

Anonymous said...

Americans won!

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