Tuesday, December 13, 2011


Just by including the name of Wael Al Mazeedi's latest "heartfelt outpouring" regarding his predestined GREATNESS we have guaranteed that he will get more visitors to his new web page.
The trade-off... we want people to read WAM's self-declared acclamations and then come back to this blog and do a little research. 
In any event, we'll post WAM's soliloquy in this blog.  We'll annotate it to confirm WAM's facts or dispute the.  [Note:  nobody has to think too hard to figure out how much we'll dispute and how much we'll confirm.]
It's a bit out of character for WAM not to include Juddy Whipple's (contractor) or Brad Dillman's (employee) graphics or PowerPointless graphics or presentations in his "shout-out" to the world.


Anonymous said...

LOL. So now he is a fund? I thought he sued a former employee as "LOCAL ENERGY COMPANY" or is it a "Holding Company" or a Cayman Island "Wind-Up COMPANY"???

Judy Whipple is a contractor since our Burlington days and she said she would NEVER... N E V E R be an employee, EVER!!!

Anonymous said...

Is this Brad Dillman of QGEN/BTU/etc...


Anonymous said...

Why are people so pissed that someone ripped of his own people?

Is that fair that Qatar Investment Authority are idiots and deserve what they invest in. Now that this blog is online forever, I guess there will never be another foolish investor.

Cheers to the bloggers to a great example on who the internet is a powerful resource. The truth will come out.

The Courts will discover the REAL TRUTH and that is going to scare the shit of of someone. That someone carries alot of clean new underwear around.

Anonymous said...

Things are getting interesting.

The mole (is back.)

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