Yet another website by Al Mazeedi (and probably Oishi as well) to whitewash their "track record of achievements".
Using a "Rapid Site Check" service we get the following info...
Domain ID:D163906233-LROR Domain Name:BTUFACTS.ORG Created On:18-Nov-2011 21:01:55 UTC Last Updated On:18-Nov-2011 21:01:56 UTC Expiration Date:18-Nov-2012 21:01:55 UTCSponsoring, Inc. (R91-LROR)
Could this be in response to the fact that his previous efforts using fake bloggers were "smacked down" by the site hosting their blogs. Wordpress, "turned them off" because Al Mazeedi violated their Terms of Service. Link:
Could this have been in response to the Qatar Investment Authority's petition to wind-up BTU Power Company. Link: QIA Petition to the Grand Court of the Cayman Islands to Wind-Up BTU Power Company
In any event, here's Wael's latest declaration to the world regarding the greatness of the "BTU Family of Funds"
- Here it is!
Wael knew by this time about the QIA petition. Nevertheless, as always, Wael's missives are as interesting for what they include as they are for what they leave out. I guess it's of no importance to his "track record of achievement" that the combined 93% owners of the economic interest in the BTU Power Company (Qatar Investment Authority, Qatar National Bank, Dubai Islamic Bank) state in very clear terms that Wael has been basically "jerking them around" and has only returned "pennies on the dollar" to them in the "glorious 10 year span of achievements" that Wael reminisces about in his latest foray into the web.
Wael includes a new link to an updated status section regarding litigation. As always, he paints everything as a conspiracy by everybody (his investors, his partner, his former employees) to derail him from his path to greatness. Anybody reading this blog or familiar with WAM's litigation know that the real "conspiracy" has been one by Wael, Mitsue, and company to keep playing "KEEP AWAY" with the Middle East investors money and Hayat's money.
Wael, try to keep it "clean" so GoDaddy doesn't kick you out as well.
LOL. Another domain for what? Waste of time and money.
Love that he said on that poorly written letter. Well nothing.
Mitsue Oishi is stupid as rocks.
Other than this blog linking to that site no one will ever find that page.
The blogger should highlight the FAKE blogs over and over and over. The truth hurts. I hope all those being sued, under oath ask why Investors' money was spent paying FAKE Bloggers.
Nothing has changed since Burlington days, just the employees who know too much.
Judy Whipple of Somerville MA is still working here, but as "contractor" only, never an employee she know better!
I hope she starts requesting money up front like all the lawyers.
I hope she didn't edit that letter, else she is losing her craft.
Is this Yasmeen Wael Al-Mazeedi?
FACT: It is.
She goes by "DanceGirl" or just Google Yasmeen Al-Mazeedi... You will find this blog too.
I think Yasmeen wrote it best when she wrote this. Who do you think she is talking about?
WOW. Reading that is scream out I want to be loved.
But is it true she is now at UCLA?
She is at UCLA.
Yasmeen Al-Mazeedi is a Alpha Delta Pi here at UCLA.
So this explains alot.
She is sponoring a DANCE Marathon at UCLA on Feb. 18 - 19, 2012. You can support her. I guess the Investors' money is all locked up on lawyer fees.
She is friends with Yasmeen.
She is being played with at UCLA. Like a keg. Think about that.
Where is
FACT=QGEN has nothing. Maybe business cards and few email accounts.
Why is Mistue trying to have a FALSE record on LinkedIn. Is she looking for work? I think you should look her up.
I bet she is trying to see who will look. No one cares about her.
It appears that Mitsue is trying to make this blog lower, but she doesn't understand that it will never NEVER NEVER GO AWAY! The truth hurts and the lies will fu*( you over soon. It is either Cayman Courts of the great USA Federal Courts.
Tick tock...tick tock.. your clock is running out of time for Court.
Google Mitue Oishi and find great things.
Mitsue is now trying to compete with this blog.
Another FALSE FAKE BLOGGER. Really???
Mitsue... Come on...
Mitsue you even have photos online.
Mitsue, Thank you for sharing..
I love that Mitsue pretends she is new working for BTU, (Thanks for linking that LinkedIn profile.
I bet she didn't set it up. She is only worried about saving her ass. All that Tea and driving around for nothing.
BTU Fact: The game is coming to an end. The lawyers and courts will close it down. The question for us employees, do we have jobs for QGEN/Fate if there is no money coming.
2012 is the end.
Unemployed in the winter sucks!
Love the KEEP AWAY line!
QGEN Office Furniture Sale.
Fate Consortium Computer Sale.
Details coming. sucks! Poorly written. Perfect match.
Is Judy gone? Did she check that document? Just 1 page of nothing.
Why "Wael includes a new link to an updated status section regarding litigation." again?
It is missing some lawsuits?
What happened to the Murphy lawsuit?
It was on the linked section when it was listed on but now it is missing from both sites.
If the WH Press release to the Boston Business Journal, was TRUE about Mr. Murphy. There would have been criminal charges against all former employees, including Mr. Betancourt and Mr. Murfhy. BUT NONE have been filed in the MA Federal Courts nor the MA State Courts.
So will Mr. Betancourt and Mr. Murphy sue WH for defamation? Just a though after reading this blog in detail.
Murphy lawsuit was DISMISSED.
Love the Here we go again!
Judy Whipple. She is old. Well, she looks damned old if you see her in person. She may be a good writer but a writer is only as good as the source origin of its material. The source origin of JW material is WAMo BAMo ZAZo. Not too many ways that you can spin "stinky, inconvenient facts" into a believable truth.
In any event. Don't know how much $$$ Judy has made during the MANY years she has served Wael faithfully. The Middle East investors will want a proper accounting at some point in time.
Well....... anyhow....... she couldn't help Wael rain money again down upon him. Principal reason..... Hayat was the "rainmaker"..... After Wael froze hayat out of "BTU" there's been nothing but "burning of the middle east investors' money" and NO NEW sources of revenue or funding....
Cheers Judy... BTW, get a new turtleneck sweater. Wael pays you enough so you can afford one.
or at least wash the same old stinky ones you wear in some woolite.
Come on Christina Stephens...stop picking on Judy.
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