Observation: It appears that Wael Al Mazeedi really believes all the stuff he's been feeding to his fake bloggers to post on the internet! Go figure.
FoleyHoag states, in black and white, in their latest set of filings, that "Although not directly material to this motion... two Internet blogs, the so-called BTU Information blog... and the BTU Litigation blog... in order to disseminate hateful, anonymous comments regarding BTU, BTU's current and former employees, Almazeedi, and even Almazeedi's family"... blah, blah, blah
SO.... why even bring it up if not to try to make poor WAM appear beleaguered and attacked by the entire world (CONSPIRACY!!!). When, after all, what poor WAM wants to do is just save everybody.not directly material means it's totally, absolutely, irrevocably, completely, f***ing: IRRELEVANT to US Federal Court.
Nevertheless, FoleyHoag and Wael Almazeedi want to tell the court that WAM's gentle soul has been pierced by the slings and arrows of people exercising their 1st Amendment rights (that's right, they still exist much to WAM's dismay).
No mention, of course, of WAM's numerous FAKE blogs where he is PAYING people to say what he wants them to say and trying to manipulate the "track record" he so vociferously claims EVERYWHERE... Bottom line, freedom is BAD if it brings into question Wael and his business practices (or mentions that his daughter is going to UCLA instead of other schools in Massachusetts - he is apparently ashamed of this fact).
[Note: we have absolutely no way of knowing where independent comments originate. Only Google could possibly know. However, GOOGLE protects its business, which, coincidentally, happens to rely on Freedom of Speech, rabidly (they makes a ton of money from it). Any challenge to 1st Amendment rights involving GOOGLE will be known by everybody all over the world. Wanna challenge bloggers rights WAM?... good luck, call GOOGLE's lawyers. We are sure that Leonardo Lenny, your personal ACE lawyer can take on Google. Except, that is, that you WANT to protect your fake bloggers rights to publish total rubbish. You have a conundrum on your hands WAM.]
WAM has chosen to "immortalize" certain quotes made by visitors to this blog in order to prove that there are some people that don't have an adulatory opinion of him... Sorry WAM, not everybody bows down to YOU. These opinions are now MEMORIALIZED FOREVER in US Federal Court pleadings.
We can't imagine Wael Al Mazeedi, as important and busy as he is averting planetary collapse, ever acknowledging in US or Massachusetts courts that he reads this blog at all. A person of his "stature" is obviously completely above that... So why does his "heart hurt so bad"?
From now on bow down and repeat: "hail great Leader, you are most perfect above all that is good in this world. would you like a nice cup of tea?"
Found this old domain for sale. Could it be that this case is still pending?
I bet those words will be repeated over and over and over and over...
I know that Judge, he is a hard ass and will tear someone a new one! For wasting the court time.
As someoene above posting. Karma will be the fact the former employees and contractors will be called into open court, unfiltered and speak the truth.
All the money in the world can't change the past, even 2-cent PAID bloggers!
Congrats to 60,000+ page views!
Has feelings?
I see Ms. Andrea "Bringbackdesire.com" QGEN Manager of Operations must have TOUCHED a nerve or something else. ;)
Didn't someone hurt Mr. Betancourt's feelings, Mr. Hayat's feeling, Mr. Murphy's feelings, and the list goes on and on and on.
People need to start writing, know that lawyers are reading every word that is posted here.
Should I post what has been paid to the lawyers so far? Let people estimate!
... WAM's expenditures on lawyers to date? we know that back in 2008 he was trying to wriggle out of $500K he still owed Freshfields... We'd have to guess that adding up WilmerHale, FoleyHoag, Maples & Calder, Burns & Levinson, Leonardo Lenny (this is just related to LITIGATING) he's spent anywhere from $500K to $1.5 or $2 million USD. Good show, Middle East investors. WAM is really getting you the mast bang for your buck.
We need to do an Occupy Lexington!!! Huddle around beating drums and periodically reading from the Bill of Rights. It'll be the first time WAM has heard them I bet.
yes, but Wael's sensitive, oh so gentle nature might be offended...
Also, Wael had friends in the Waltham Police force that did not hesitate to respond to his requests immediately, whether they were senseless or not...
Sorry, got mixed up... Occupy Lexington and Occupy Waltham!!!
I can wait to see his face in Federal Court. There is no stopping the Judge once he steps foot in there.
His lawyers must know and don't care as long as they are getting paid. That is ALL THAT MATTERS TO THEM. There are always other clients with money.
I do not recall him having any connections to anyone in the Waltham Police force. Please name someone there?
Ms. Christina "wiretap" Husky girl Stephen's Dad was a rent-a-cop for the FBI Training Academy, said he "was an FBI Agent" to one of our former IT manager.
He will have alot of connections to the Federal Courts, Federal Courts Parking garage people, and I can smile knowing that "Federal Court Reports" whom will inform the MIT Energy forum of this Betancourt case. Does MIT only care for the "QGEN" money fee for sponsoring the event.
Does MIT have no pride? Man that school is going straight down the Obummer country.
The Boston Globe here.
Calling all BTU Ventures FORMER EMPLOYEES:
HR Managers
IT Managers
GC Lawyers
Travel Managers
and others.
Your INVITE papers to Federal Court will be coming soon. Are you ready to testify under oath?
The Betancourt case appears to the first one heading to Boston Federal Court soon.
Wael, we miss you at the office!!!
Are you going to bring more money from middle eastern investors to fund the cutting edge projects to save the world from chaos?
I'm sure most of the investors have read this blog, or at least they are aware of you shenanigans. Time is running up for you.
I must say, the office is much nicer without you around...
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