Wednesday, August 17, 2011

Redeploying the Middle East investors money: What does Wael Al-Mazeedi do with the dividends generated by Carthage Power Company as well as Taweelah Asia Power Company?

It doesn't go to the current or former Middle East investors:

from: Industrial and Financial Investment Co and ASEAN Investment Co complaint
Paragraph 2. "...he [Al-Mazeedi] also took approximately US$8 million dollars in payments from the buyer of the MPC shares (the "Multi-Million Dollar Payoff"), Standard Chartered Bank ("SCB"), through an Unnamed "Consulting" Company he owned separately with his wife, the defendant Mitsue Oishi ("Oishi")."
Paragraph 23. Upon information and belief, Al-Mazeedi implemented his scheme to benefit personally while taking out the investors on minimal terms.

Paragraph 26. "...Al-Mazeedi maintained that US$85 million of the US$86 million estimated price differential was consumed by expenses. However, no audited financial of the Fund were provided then or at any time to the Fund's Investors, including Plaintiffs."
from: Betancourt: Revised Second Affidavit
Paragraph 17. In addition to expressing concern about the shortfall in funding for the Abu Dhabi investment, some of the BPC shareholders complained that they had not received periodic or timely financial reports, nor had they received expected dividends from the profits generated by the investments.
It doesn't go to the 44% partner of Wael Al-Mazeedi and Mitsue Oishi

from: Abdulmohsen Hayat Affidavit
Paragraph 55. I have not received a dividend, accounting for the Company profits or any distribution whatsoever since in 2006 I was provided reports for fiscal year 2004.
Some of it (a lot, actually) goes towards expensive office furniture and first class travel for Wael Al-Mazeedi

from: Abdulmohsen Hayat Original Complaint
Paragraph 42. Even in its limited form, the 2004 compilation (received by Hayat in January 2006) reflected the office furniture and travel expenses of Al-Mazeedi to be $1,038,974.00 for the year 2004.
Looks like the ubiquitous saying "...the more things change the more they stay the same" is pretty much on target here.
About six months before Wael Al-Mazeedi put the finishing touches on the BTU Holdings Company voluntary liquidation filing (January 2011) he was busy putting the finishing touches on his "new digs" for his latest company.

BTU Ventures
1000 Winter St, Suite 400
Waltham, MA 02451-1436

Rebranded, Relocated and Resurfaced as:

890 Winter St, Suite 310
Waltham, MA, 02451-1493

A previous post in this blog shows that Wael committed to pay about $500,000 in rent per year at this location. The same post shows that Wael paid about $300,000 in rent per year at the previous location.

Google Maps tell us that the new offices are about 0.6 miles from the old offices. It looks like, as a result of this move, Wael will be much closer to the highway and so he'll always be able to get to the airport on time and continue the jet-set life, "wheeling and dealing" all over the world.

[Note: We can only assume that Hayat, Qatar National Bank, Qatar Investment Authority, Dubai Islamic Bank, etc. would all agree that this is the best use of THEIR money.]

Most of it just goes to places that only Wael Al-Mazeedi and Mitsue Oishi know about

from: Abdulmohsen Hayat Original Complaint
Paragraph 45. For the years 2004 through 2008, Al-Mazeedi has intentionally concealed from Hayat the true financial picture of BTU Group, creating a highly secretive network of affiliates and subsidiaries around the world [QGEN anybody?] into which and among which Al-mazeedi has freely moved funds, made deals, and carried on business, all of which business had it genesis in the BTU Holdings Company and in the funding sourced by Hayat.

People who have somehow learned about Al-Mazeedi's "activities" and taken steps to do something about it end up being "gagged" by Al-Mazeedi and his cadre of lawyers
Paragraph 48. "Information supplied to Hayat explains that Al-Mazeedi acted to remove Hayat from the board of directors and instituted a baseless action against Hayat in the Cayman Islands to continue to hide his own wrongful actions from both Hayat and other debt and equity holders..."
from: Martin Betancourt's Amended Counterclaims and Third Party Claim
Introduction. "...In the course of his employment, Betancourt detected apparent criminal fraud by his employer, and as a whistleblower, shared documents evidencing such fraud to counsel for plaintiff investors suing his employer. As a result of his whistleblowing disclosures, Betancourt's employment was terminated and he was sued in this Court

None. However, we've recently come across these nice pictures of QGEN's office, abuzz with people and activity, all working with Wael in his continued, successful effort to save the planet from collapsing.

Enjoy the picture show.  Photos courtesy of the internet and Google search.

Wael Al-Mazeedi meeting with the managers of ALL the hybrid solar combined cycle plants owned by QGEN

Decorated birthday cake for QGEN being used as a table.

Everybody at QGEN hard at work on the next billion dollar investment

"Beam me up, Scotty"

In case you forget where you are... you can always get your bearing back by looking at the wall

"Try beaming me up again , Scotty.  And get it right this time!  I need to be in Krypton ASAP.  Love - WAM"


Anonymous said...

That office sucks. Look how cheap those TV are! One thing for sure, that is the way it looks. No one there and nothing going on!

Anonymous said...

He needs to find a better look. It appears to look exactly like BTU Ventures Office. Wait, I sat in those chairs for one of his "Next big nothing." QGEN. So this is QGEN. LOL. What a waste of space.

0 Patents awarded
0 Patents pending
0 Patents = ZERO = 0 = 0 = 0 = 0 = 0 = None

That is the Fate Consortium Office too! Looks like an cheap Airport terminal. Are those TV for his Arriving and Departing flights LOL.

Anonymous said...

I think I see the illegal listening devices!

Anonymous said...

Does that table have "MULTIPLE" covers? For each of the investors pitches!

Fate Consortium


That table sucks!

Anonymous said...

How is it "QGEN is a Technology Driven Company" but has NO TECHNOLOGY Patents nor any R&D?

How does one think it is just going to fall out of the sky! LOL

Anonymous said...

Wael's gonna freak out when he sees these pictures... Everything is supposed to be ultra-confidential, the office, the power plants, the new investors...

Mayble he'll bring in his old "bone-crusher" from WilmerHale again, John Chory, to interrogate people 'til they confess!!!

Yeah... the place looks like a gaudy version of BTU Ventures (which itself was an ostentatious version of who knows what!)

Well... Money Being Spent!!! That should be imprinted on QGEN's business cards (whatever business is going on???)

Super Man said...

Wait. Isn't FATE Consortium focused on beaming power from the sun directly down to earth through some kind of hocus-pocus contraption that doesn't exist yet. A concept along the lines of cold fusion. Good Show middle east investors. If your returns are negative now, imagine what they'll be once Wael perfects the concept of spaced beamed solar power. Imagine the travel expenses he's been incurring traveling back and forth to the SUN.

Anonymous said...

actually, wael spent a lot of time with mom in Kuwait when he was supposedly traveling all over the world raising money and building new businesses and fighting giants and all other kinds of otherworldly feats.

I remember when I travelled with him that he could not go to public restrooms (he once rented a hotel room in an expensive hotel in Europe just to go use the toilet to do his "business")... he also travelled with "clean" underwear in a separate bag so he could do "who-knows-what"???

There are at least 2 or 3 other current and former QGENites, BTU VENTURErs that witnessed this as well.

Anonymous said...

Where do Emil and Tibor meet with Wael to talk about all the billions of dollars of investment coming into BTU Ventures, sorry, BTU Industries, sorry, MW Partners, sorry, FATE Consortium, sorry, QGEN, sorry, I forgot

Anonymous said...

LMFAO! Did he carry those "clean" underwear...wait is he into "Clean" + "Energy", sound more like dirty body heat! LOL, with hired help.

Only the Ms. Christina Stephens would know those details! Hello HUSKY FAT GERMAN!

Anonymous said...

Maybe he carried all those clean underwear around because he shits his pants! I guess you can say that truly BTU/QGEN/Fate... SHIT has hit the fan.

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

Hey Christina,
I love your old office. Sucks to be you!

Anonymous said...

BREAKING NEWS: Someone recently purchased tons of parked secure private domains.
and many more.

Anonymous said...

Who cares!

Anonymous said...

LOL. Is that one of his Lawyers trying to figure out the web of companies?

Anonymous said...

Shhhh. She was a man! Someone had to tear off the underwear on those trips.

Anonymous said...

I remember those crappy chairs were purchased by Cris Thomas. Cris those shitty chairs live on. I guess money is tight.

Those TV's on the wall are just tacky and look so cheap. I guess the B&O TV were out of stock. Wait I hear the floor didn't support them.

Anonymous said...

CORRECTION: Patent Count is 10 to match the lawsuits maybe.

Read them, they are too funny. All in Solar, but hasn't anyone told him that solar sucks as an investment. That explains NO MONEY and NO SOLAR ASSETS. How funny that he applied for 10 patents in the US, but all of his investors asset, all 2 assets are outside the US.

Good luck with those. LOL

Anonymous said...

Here is one:

Anonymous said...

Blogger: Where did you take those photos from? Did you just walk inside, like I did with the cleaning crew.

John, look under the table.

Anonymous said...

Patent update:
We now know that Mr. Glenn A. Sampson wrote them all, but only gets credit for 4 out of 10.

20110100004 Wael
20110100005 Glenn A. Sampson & Wael
20110131988 Glenn A. Sampson & Wael
20110131989 Glenn A. Sampson & Wael
20110137475 Wael
20110137476 Wael
20110137477 wael
20110137478 wael
20110137479 wael
20110137480 Glenn A. Sampson & Wael

Too bad they are worth nothing. I guess they think they are Motorola Wireless now thinking Google will buy them out for 12.5 Billion! LOL.

Anonymous said...

QGEN has no technology in any of those pictures. Let me guess, it must be in the glass conference room. Love the Beam me up scotty comment.

Wait cheap wall mounted TVs. I guess the B&O TV wasn't making the cut,but I'm sure that the next meeting with him, he will bring that up again since someone posted on this blog about it.

He read this blog like the morning newspaper.

He probably is saying "Who took those photos?"

Anonymous said...

Glenn falls off his bike that he rides to work.

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