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Anonymous said...

you mean his Natural Mother or his Actual Mother (mitsue)

Anonymous said...

Does anyone here know about Japan Task Force? Mr. Almazeedi has been promoting this idea to help Japan after recent disasters. He proposes to establish funds for this help. We are doing due diligence and find things that are troubling. What is Mr. Almazeedi reputation managing funds. What is his reputation helping people. His partner Mitsue is helping him with this venture. Can anyone tell us more about them? When we search their names we reach these web pages. Thank You.

Anonymous said...

How did the paper shredding party go? Must have happened right after the soggy chicken Friday lunch. A slightly inconvenient reminder:BTU promised Massachusetts State court to PRESERVE any and all records that may be relevant to the Hayat litigation (in other words... EVERYTHING). Maybe Wael can claim that thousands of pages were shredded, and hard drives lost, and servers rendered inoperable by "mistake"... All those confirmations for wire transfers from HSBC Monaco to BTU Ventures, Inc. and BTU Industries Holdings USA, Inc. have been, unfortunately, inadvertently destroyed... sorry your Honor.

Anonymous said...

Actually "promised" is an incorrect term. BTU made an affirmative declaration (undertaking) with the court that everything would be preserved. Alycia Goody submitted an affidavit on behalf of BTU to this effect (written by WilmerHale - Richard Johnston).

Anonymous said...

What happened to all those biometrically-controlled file rooms at 1000 winter street, suite 4400? Wael's office was also biometrically controlled. Except he was always so agitated or excited that the sensor would not allow him to get in. He had to have lovely Jackie or Herr Stephens or Ian use their finger/thumbprint so that Wael's office door would be opened. He'd stand outside his office and scream "Ian, Christina, Jackie, let me into my office"... More importantly, all those files that were in the "file" room to which only Mitsue, Wael, and Christina had access... where are those/

Anonymous said...

Hello, who is left at QlownGEN? What is Wael's speaking schedule at the MIT ("pay us enough and we'll let anybody talk") Energy Conference 2012? I am travelling all the way from Qatar so I needs good information. Thank You.

Anonymous said...

good quote from other comments sections

"Settlement or no settlement... Betancourt has a 1st Amendment Right under the US Constitution to SPEAK through this blog! All the facts presented in this blog are defensible as the truth. If it weren't the case, Wael would have paid millions to his lapdog lawyers to ask a judge in the US to issue an injunction against this form of free speech. Think this blog's been on the internet for over 1.5 years... And yet, no notice to cease and desist... BTW, they would have had to fight Google's lawyers first to get the bloggers' identities... So, this record will persist regardless of anything that happens in US courts (settlements, judgments, injunctions, etc.)... The internet belongs to the entire world, not to Wael."

This is the United States of America.

Anonymous said...

Hey, even if betancourt settled with WAMo that wouldn't mean anything. if he contributes to this blog he could just go to another country. Civil litigation settlements are pretty much unenforceable outside the US. Simple. He keeps talking.

Anonymous said...

For the person traveling from Qatar you'll be disappointed if you are traveling all that way to hear the great WAMO speak.
He isn't on the list of this year's speakers:
They have a speaker who is a "Fisheries Biologist", but not one of the world's leading authority on hybrid energy???
Timothy Hogan | Fisheries Biologist, Alden Research Lab

It is either WTF or LOL.
Coming in mid-March? Wonder if QGEN will still be in business by then?

Anonymous said...

Mitsue is packing up the house I bet.

Warren Buffet said...

No matter what happens, no matter how Wael spins it, no matter how the litigation ends up, Almazeedi, the "myth", is finished.

He will have to reinvent himself and find new suckers that have never visited the internet and/or are illiterate.

Hey everybody out there, if Wael approaches you and tells you he wants to manage your money and will make you filthy rich remember two words: DUE DILIGENCE

It costs you very little to ask questions compared to what you put at risk. Everybody, thanks to the internet, knows about Wael now. If you get suckered out of your money by Wam, "future investor", shame on YOU - YOU deserve it.

Anonymous said...

Wael, have you bought the 300 acres of sand in Victorville for the BTU Power Company investors with their money? You never know when the middle east may start running out of sand so hurry up and do it... no doubt this is the best use of their money.... only a visionary like you could come up with such a "game changing" concept.

Anonymous said...

I did some graphics work for them in Oct. 2011 and have't been paid yet. I've been getting the run around how money is tight and will pay me when they have the cash flow.

Funny I'm a one person company and dragging me along is harder on me than them. If anyone gets a call to work for them run away screaming and don't look back, they are just a bad company to do buisness with, still waiting for my money.


Anonymous said...

Money is not tight for Wael. He pays himself a $500K salary first before anything else. If money were actually tight and he were a fair person he would pay others first (specially in situations like the one in the comment above). Wael has always and will always take care of himself first.

Anonymous said...


Alex U. was let go, so there is no money to pay anyone. Did they tell you the "Check is in the mail?"

Watch out Richard, you could have a lawsuit for slander, which costs money to pay the lawyers.

Was the work for QGEN?

Unknown said...

Can't be slander if its true. Saying that he is not getting paid is a statement of fact. Exactly the kind of thing you can probably take to the BBB or some other comparable agency that oversees these types of transactions.

Also, if there is no money to pay their vendors then it's reasonable to conclude there is no money to initiate litigation against anybody.

Lastly, we have emails from other people that have done work attesting to the fact that they've not been paid for work done for BTU/QGEN. They reached out to us since this blog functions as a sort of clearinghouse for information. We are thinking of publishing at least one of the emails after we redact the identity of the recruiter who "placed" LB and DZ and did not get paid (those individuals were placed in 2008 and the email we received was from late 2011 - recruiter had not been paid in 3 years).

The privilege of serving Wael should be enough. Why should someone expect to be paid for their services.

Anonymous said...

Nice post McLayton! I hope BetanCOURT rocks the courtroom room with the TRUTH. The truth will hurt Mitsue, but she know it is true.

Anonymous said...

Almazeedi and Mituse have always lied about paying vendors. Mitsue was always the person that approved or denied payment. Even when the company was full of cash, she would still decide that people shouldn't get paid. Even though there were contractual obligations in place she would not care. She only thought about who was "worthy enough" to get paid. Mitsue, she doesn't have a work visa in the US but she had offices in Winter St., both at BTU Ventures as well as QlownGEN... I remember taking invoices to her from service providers that hadn't been paid in a long time and she would just grab them and throw them out of the pile. Freshfields, out of London, was owed something like $2.4 million for their help in the Meiya Power Sale (the one that got Wael and Mitsue an $8+ million bonus)... Andrew Hart visited the offices in Waltham to get paid... Shana Sadiq visited the offices to get paid (not really, shana has always been wael's puppet - she was working for Freshfields at the time, she is now at Alen Overy)... bottom line, MITSUE has always controlled the money and probably still continues to do so with QlownGEN. Don't know what else she was ever good for...

Carolus Martellus said...

Wael, the answer is NO! Everything will play itself out... No hiding now.

Mary Beth Bruce said...

Wael, are you still scared of your own shadows and footsteps? You think everybody is out to get you. Well, my dear friend, you've screwed over pretty much everybody in your quest to build your mythical business empire. But you should remember, that everybody views their time with you as a privilege.... why would they care if they were screwed over... their few moments in YOUR presence is sufficient payment.

Anonymous said...

does Leonard Learner have any clients other than WAMo and Matzo? How is "Lenny" going to make a living unless Wael is suing somebody???? Although, in all truthfulness, Lenny never did anything of substance in Wael's litigation. The proper term for this is "potted plant".... riding on the coattails of WilmerHale and FoleyHoag

Anonymous said...


The "Screwed Over" people will gladly enjoy "Presence" in Federal Court!

I wonder if today is the last FREE Friday Lunch at QGEN. LOL Cold ass chicken.

I spit in his and her tea all the time. LOL

Anonymous said...

Mr. Learner was the lead lawyer on the Betancourt case investigation with Mr. Murphy and Mr. Shu. were called into a meeting.

I remember Murphy laughing his ass off after that meeting, but had to work countless of hours for nothing. Mr. Shu had a huge bill I bet that got paid.

I wonder would will do all that research now that there are NO REAL IT employees at Clowngen!

Anonymous said...

Mary Beth,

Yes, he is! BOO Federal Court will be the payback for wasting alot of time and money.

That should be the qgen tag line. 'We waste alot of time and money, want to invest?"

Anonymous said...

Monday is Court Day! LOLOLOLOLOL

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

They can't take the "5th anymore!"

Anonymous said...

I like that

Anonymous said...

Today is the beginning of the end of QGEN..etc...

Anonymous said...

The BLOG is back!

Anonymous said...

Is this blog on two sites?

Anonymous said...

Blogger: Why was this blog down for a while? Did the courts contact you to turn it off?

I bet some CEO is dying to find out that the blog is back online!

So does this mean that we will get updates to the open cases?

Anonymous said...

Wow. is great to know that BTU former family of employee have these 2 blogs to see what is up.

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

Give it the good fight Mr. Betancourt, kick ass and take names. At least get your 1 day in Federal Court with the press. QGEN this and qgen that... blah blah blah... the facts will come out.

Anonymous said...

HEADLINE will be "Betancourt wins!"

Anonymous said...

Great to see the blog back online!

Anonymous said...

Wonder how the FAS Team is doing with the liquidation process. Hope they are FAST & FURIOUS

Boabdil said...

Hey, what is going on here? Where is this whole thing headed? Who is still around? What happened to World Domination? Why is LH a fantastic singer and recognized personality (whereas, other people directly associated with the principal personage in this drama are still in 'SHADOWS in the Machine'?) This is all sufficiently worthy of a H'wood treatment... Just my two dinars' worth. Who is behind this?

Boabdil said...

Is the ubiquitous FAT LADY singing yet? Is she involved in this drachma again? Sorry, dinars not drachmas. This is all so very odd. Won't thousands of lawyers paid millions and millions and millions of dollars (by a single individual and a phantom individual) fan across the earth and hound everybody with the mighty power of US litigation into submission? That's how you beat your opponent.

Boabdil said...

sorry. I meant to say DRAMAS instead of drachmas. I got carried away since I had too much Greek salad today.

Anonymous said...

Hey Boabdil, The FAT LADY is warming up. I watched the bills not being paid. First WH law firm, the FH law firm... clowngens attrack laywers that only want $$$ that belongs to the investors.

You will be glad to know the GAME IS OVER soon.

Hint: GPS tracker is working. Taxman is watching too. One way ticket out of USA is very close.

Anonymous said...

Only the suckers are left!

Anonymous said...

I heard she got KNOCKED UP!?!? Could you imagine what sucker had that? That is alot of drinks!

I bet it looks like someone she worked for, but the wife hasn't figured it out yet!

It isn't the long lost boyfriend's, but SHHHH don't tell him!

Anonymous said...

I bet she is working for Wael and Mitsue still. She is still emailing people with her MW-Partners fake company email account.

Too funny all the IT clowns are gone, but the mail server is wide open!

Anonymous said...

LOL. I was written like a 5th grader, wait, that is the level of education that Christina Stephens has! LOL.

She is in trouble for lying under oath now. She "Don't work for Wael at all, but has an email address that is emailing people from MW-Partners!" Is she really that stupid! I hope she gets her fat ass dragged into court soon.

Anonymous said...

It appears that Tony, the former IT Manager now works for after be let go from QGEN.

Anonymous said...

I understand that someone intimately associated with Wael and BTU Industries, BTU Ventures, QGEN, FATE Consortium, etc. etc. etc. is going to be making available a ton of information soon... New information regarding Meiya Power, 8 million, etc. etc. etc. Seems this guy got all this stuff from James Commodore, Wael's great friend. It's taken a lonnnnnnng time to scan everything. Christina Stephens' (currently working with MW Partners - Mitsue and Wael, will be damned busy soon)

Anonymous said...

Judy must be laughing her ass off now that she doesn't have to work for clueless again!

Anonymous said...

What ever happened to the lawsuits? Murphy? Betancourt? Where are they now? I can't find them on facebook or LinkedIn?

Anonymous said...

Murphy case was DISMISSED. We can assume they settled. Betancourt? I can't find anything online about that case. I'm not in MA, so I don't have access to local courts to find out. Anyone?

Anonymous said...

Correct. The Murphy case was DISMISSED.

I'll check the Betancourt case and post back.

Hayat case is still open.

Anonymous said...

Where are the bloggers? UPDATE US?

Anonymous said...

WTF? This blog needs to be updated?

Anonymous said...

Hayat? What is up? Did the one way tickets get purchased yet. Make sure to depose Christina Stephens daughter of Michael Stephens the rent-a-cop dude. He milked BTU for a monthly fee as a consultant. Yes, Christina's Dad. Was it like $2,500 or so. Did he pay taxes on that?

Anonymous said...

Someone told me that whoever controls this blog is going to be posting soon regarding all recent developments. Seems like Wael is trying to do shit through MW Energy Partners, FATE Consortium, Japan Task Force, etc. Pretty sure that Wael does not control former investors' dividends anymore. Have also been told that blog owners have stats that show that there are a ton of "potential" creditors looking for Wael. WilmerHale is one of them. They were searching for the address of FATE Consortium and typed 8 Clematis as the address for the business. Anybody that knows Wael should recognize that address: it's his home in Lexington. Looks like Wael is trying to maintain the appearance of "greatness" from his home address. He probably does not go out of the house, does not shave, does not get out of his pajamas into proper business attire.Found a profile from some Spanish guy who formerly worked for Abengoa who is now the new Ian Cain for Wael. Although, in contrast to Ian, this guy actually seems to have a ton of great experience... Looks like, as with Ian, anybody that is paid good money will "bow down and serve their master without question"

Anonymous said...

Hey Hayat. There are extensive and, very, very, very, interesting transcript records from Almazeedi and Stephens... Your lawyer simply has to subpoena them from US Federal Court. I suppose you could also talk to the people that were responsible for the deposition... Just a thought... From what I've gleaned, Almazeedi TALKED A LOT and had to be restrained by HIS LAWYERS from talking anymore. Wael likes to talk, and pat himself on the back.

El Zorro said...

Oh, yeah. Someone else told me that through other sources they managed to secure the entire Dubai Islamic Bank correspondence file with BTU (aka. Wael Almazeedi). Many thanks to James Commodore for facilitating that production. In it you will see Wael shitting on all his investors in BTU Power Company and BTU Power Company II. I have not seen it but I can imagine it's damned interesting reading.

Anonymous said...

GO!!!!!!! FATE Consortium, MW Energy Partners, Japan Task Force, and whatever other empty shell company Wael and Mitsue are using to try to screw over other people.

Anonymous said...

In response to the comment Re: Christina Stephens' father... He was actually on retainer for quite a long while to the tune of $10,000 per month. He didn't do anything, just like Christina, but he was paid on a timely basis... All he had to do was stoke Wael's delusions regarding conspiracies and propose solutions to the crisis (e.g. break everybody's kneecaps and have them sign stupid security policies). He liked to have people followed and monitored. Quite stupidly, however, as man people figured out what was happening and lost their "tails" very easily... Bottom line: Wael paid a ton of money for rent-a-cops and he got exactly the only thing they could deliver: BULLSHIT.

Anonymous said...

For anybody that cares, Wael has lost his power to destroy lives through litigation. His lawyers (WilmerHale, FoleyHoag, Leonar Learner, Burns & Levinson, etc. etc. figured out that he was no longer able to appropriate Middle East investors' dividends to pay their fees: so guess what happened? None of them are representing him anymore. I understand that WilmerHale is looking to get paid for all their legal bullshit that they did against Betancourt, Murphy, McBrearty, Hayat, IFIC, etc... Must be close to $10s of millions of dollars. They should almost cheer WAM in his case against Hayat because if WAM wins, they can place lawyer's liens against the award for unpaid fees... Win or Lose, WAM has no more friends since he can't buy them anymore (correction, he still has Mitso).

Anonymous said...

Acolytes. Don't forget IAN CAIN (someone told me on good authority that he checks this website constantly - he is at Duke university and working for some private equity firm as an intern on the basis of his experience as Wael's gopher and master teamaker (actually, he was always a distant second to Ms. Stephens) Anyhow, I doubt anybody will post anything about that in this blog or Ian's interesting lifestyle.

Anonymous said...

Someone who was a former BTU employee met Ian at a tremendously entertaining nightclub and took pictures of the event.

Anonymous said...

Ian lifestyle? Does he likes guys, is that where you are going?

Anonymous said...

Post some photos or get them to the bloggers.

Green Parmigian said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Anonymous said...

He did carry all those clean underwear... for the clownmaster.

Anonymous said...

What was deleted above? Why?

Anonymous said...

Why no updates?

Anonymous said...

I heard Mitsue is planning on leaving the USA? Is there a FOR SALE Sign in the front of the house? She knows where all the hidden money has gone. If she had 1/2 of brain, she would have left already.

Could be the reason why all the "FAKE" companies are OUT OF BUSINESS!

What kind of idiots invested with a "FAKE" energy "Expert" without a clue. Clueless invest with the clueless.

Anonymous said...

LOL. Mitsue has hidden money and that is all I can say. The fact that Wael is not smart enough to find it makes me smile.

It must suck to have to wake up and go to work Mitsue. No more income.

Anonymous said...

Yasmeen Update:

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

It looks like someone learned how to make "Fake" career. I wonder where she learned that!?!?

Anonymous said...

email her:


Anonymous said...


There she is hiding in green.


Anonymous said...

I think I will have to see her at UCLA and ask her about where the money is?


Anonymous said...

Background. :P


Anonymous said...

four seasons UCLA video: 608 views and 1 comment. dancegirl has a lonnnnnnng way to go.



Daddy's notoriety surely is not helping her. Daddy is quite famous (for the wrong reasons). Anyhow, she ain't going nowhere. Keep making those UNWATCHED Youtube videos, girly girl.

And figure out what your daddy never did, how to work with people without exploiting them or stealing their money.

Anonymous said...

LOL Right on LOL They won't find the money!


Anonymous said...

Yasmeen, the next Uber-Queen of Youtube and music, etc... Actually, DANCEGIRL.... since the last post (2 months ago) her video has received an additional 70 viewers (probably Dad, Mom, and Dancegirl)... Gangnam style has gone from 655,751,176 views to 1,114,269,043. Daddy must not have been paying his bills so his little girl could be the ultimate singing star in the world... Just like he didn't pay his bills so his son, Khaled, could become the ultimate soccer sensation 5 yrs. ago in the secondary Frenchy leagues (yep, that is actually pretty fucking pathetic... if you want to play good futbol you do it in Germany, England, Spain, Italy, Portugal... but not France)... Anyhow, Khaled is washed-up (just like his dad)... daughter has not even graduated college but she is already a has-been (must be Daddy's magic TOUCH)...

Carolus Martellus said...

Wael, what other Feats of Greatness have you produced in the last couple of years...

Your Conscience. said...

Ian Cain is going to Duke, FuckYa School of Business. Ian was ALWAYS faithful to Almazeedi... Wonder what kind of service he will provide his new employers... Almazeedi always argued in his many, many, many, court filings that he did not have a fiduciary duty to his investors, only to HIMSELF. Ian always (though, quietly) supported him in this farce. Ian personally visited with the various investors to present them with the QlownGen ultimatum that is so extensively documented in this blog. The same one the investors rejected and used as a basis to petition (successfully) to unwind the company... Ian, Ian, Ian, you can't just erase your past and hope that papa Wael will take care of you forever (or BIG Papa, James Commodore)... You ARE known and DOCUMENTED. There is something called the Dubai Islamic Bank files, provided willingly by You and Christina S. that has all your fingerprints (as well as Faszle Khan's)... Wael set YOU and everybody else up for the ULTIMATE FALL.

Carolus Martellus said...

Yeah, it's a pretty big fucking binder... Sorry, I am Charles Martel but I don't know how to say "pretty big fucking binder in French"...

Anonymous said...

It is a is a big fucking binder, as I am told... something Wael missed in all his ministrations (and willing submissions) of absolute control. Also, I have been told that it is out of the country. So even if Wael could manage to pay all the millions he owes to WilmerHale and get them CURRENT and Happy, it would not matter... US CIVIL COURTS have NO (ZERO) Jurisdiction outside the US.... nothing, zero 0. Wael will be shitting up a storm trying to get injunctions that courts outside Massachusetts and the US will never be able to enforce... If however late, justice DOTH COM.

Anonymous said...

Your father posted some shit on the internet about his son going to FuckYa, school of Stealing... good for the old guy... He seemed pretty proud. Obviously he NEVER new about your service to Wael. You said, to someone, at some point, that you had made your decisions and would live with the consequences... You thought WAM would be the future forever. Well, he does not exist anymore. WE WILL NOT LET YOU OR ANYBODY ELSE FORGET THAT YOU AND CHRISTINA were WAM's MOST FAITHFUL,servile,SERVANTS.

Anonymous said...

What ever happened to the HAYAT Case?

Anonymous said...

Why is Tibor Toth still employed? Is he a fool or just another Ian Cain which is the same thing!

No Assets!

No Patents!

No Company (oh wait let's try Fate Consortium)


NO Mrs. CEO clueless

No Christina Stephens (Daughter of Michael Stephens RENT-A-DOPE)

2012 was the END CHAPTER!

Anonymous said...

Tibor Toth
Senior Private Equity, Mezzanine and VC Investor and Start-up Entrepreneur

LOL "ENTREPRENEUR" mean unemployed.

Why not list FateConsortium?

Anonymous said...

Tibor was always a joke. Many of the people I know that know Tibor know that he sold his soul to Almazeedi. Liquidators have been asking about him... I understand that forensic auditors have taken over and are looking into everything... TIBOR, and his corporate paymaster, will not look good. Almazeedi is trying to RUN his FATE "Give Me Your Money and I will Never Return IT" CONSORTIUM out of his house on 8 Clematis, Lexington MASS.

Anonymous said...

aaron swartz was charged under CFAA's criminal provisions. wael almazeedi and his millions of stolen $$$, together with WilmerHale's adroit representation, allowed him to harass, intimidate, coerce, people (under the ever-present threat of litigation under the CFAA's provisions for a "civil cause of action"). if you read through the hundreds upon hundreds of WilmerHale and FoleyHoag court filings in US Federal Court, 1st District (same courthouse where Aaaron Swartz was being flagellated) they always hint ominously regarding criminal intents...

Anonymous said...

WilmerHale: FUCKERS. FoleyHoag: FUCKERS. Lenny Leonard: Poodle. I think the swartz tragedy will open up a lot of closets where skeletons are hidden regarding CFAA and US District Court, 1st District.

Anonymous said...

BTW, I have researched all the US District Court, 1st District filings regarding CFAA actions.... guess what? wael and wilmerhale lead the pack. talked to Mr. Betancourt the other day, he seems willing to reopen the litigation again given the amount of attention it is getting given Swartz. Wael will have an even bigger stage this time around (compared to the blog influence from before).

Qatar Investment Authority said...

Come and bring ALL your money to 8 Clematis Rd. Lexington, MA. Bring as much as you want. 100%% guarantee that you WILL NEVER SEE IT AGAIN. The FAKE CONSORTIUM is taking donations of all types.

Anonymous said...

we are talking about a cooperation with blog... CFAA.... and the destruction of people... US Government or almazeedi with ill-gotten millions, the end result is the same - ruination of people.


Joker are fools to invest with idiots!

Anonymous said...


Stnads for

FAKE CON SORT I (WAMO) U (Your money) M (Missing) forever look at my BTU Track record.

CEO of the YEAR to CON! Loser.

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