Wednesday, February 1, 2012

QGEN: The Unsinkable Juggernaut

Smoke and Mirrors
QGEN is inexorably moving towards world domination of the hybrid solar power & desalination industry.
Wael says:  "QGEN is developing technological leadership via in-house engineering and R&D capability, sponsored research at top universities, joint ventures with leading engineering and manufacturing companies and strategic investments in supply chain companies. To accelerate the commercialization, deployment and scale-up of hybrid technology and plants globally, QGEN has brought leading industry players together to form the Hybrid Energy Consortium"

The 2012 MIT Energy Conference is coming up soon.  We're sure we'll hear about all the successes QGEN and the Hybrid Energy Consortium had recently, especially with regards to the ultra-high profile projects:
  • ElMed
  • Victorville
Both are projects with investment requirements in the billions of USD.  Only one company in the world can take on those challenges.
Wael says:  "We acquire, develop and operate some of the most ambitious, challenging and critical energy projects in the world."

Reality Check
Wael says:  "We are growing and are keen on identifying professionals who share our core values and want to exploit their full potential in any of these areas:"
Anecdotal evidence suggests that the reality might be closer to the following:
"Rats Leaving the Ship"
BTU Ventures, Inc.?  BTU Industries Holdings (USA) Inc.?  QGEN (USA) Inc.?
I'm sure we'll see an overflow of people at the QGEN booth/table when they set up shop at MIT this coming March.  Busola, prepare to be overwhelmed with resumes from everybody that wants "IN".


Anonymous said...

LMFAO... The money must be tight like someone I know. Saving the sponsor money for cheap ass lawyers that can't save the ship.

Anonymous said...

There is no R&D, there are NO REAL engineers there. Right? Who?

Anonymous said...

Glenn the man that falls of his bicycle. He is just getting a check. Has nothing else to do, except retire town to Florida.

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