Monday, January 16, 2012

Upcoming City of Victorville Board & Council Meeting on January 17, 2012: Wael Al Mazeedi still insists on spending the BTU Power Company investors' money on 300 acres of desert!

Observations from a blogger covering Victorville-area politics: 
"Victorville is just a magnet for people with shady backgrounds: Mr. Wael Al Mazeedi and QGen Ltd."

Wael Al Mazeedi sure is damned persistent in his efforts to buy desert land in California with the BTU Power Company investors' money!
  • City of Victorville Board & Council Meeting ‐ Agenda for January 17, 2012
  • City Negotiators: Doug Robertson, City Manager, or authorized designee
  • Negotiating Parties: Authorized Representatives of QGen Ltd.
  • Under Negotiation: Price, and terms of payment

Another blog that covers politics in that region of California summarized the QGen Ltd. attempts to purchase that glorious chunk of desert as follows:
High Desert Politics | Victorville Scrambles To Cover Their Assets | Victorville | Hesperia | Apple Valley | California:

"The parcels and price are being negotiated by current city manager Doug Robertson and a company called QGen Ltd. Who is that? Remember Johns was trying to pull the wool over Councilwoman Valles when former city manager Jim Cox failed to identify to her that Johns was secretly involved in the solar plant that would have been constructed on the parcels? Victorville is just a magnet for people with shady backgrounds: Mr. Wael Al Mazeedi and QGen Ltd.: Does Robertson know who he is dealing with?"

Wael and the Chief Investment Officer for QGen Ltd. (Tibor Toth) sure are hot to trot for that piece of desert. Why?  Must be some angle in this that results in significant cash flow for you know who...  In any event, we are not the only ones who are curious regarding what's going on.  Other bloggers have picked up on this topic.  Also, we have it on good authority that members of the city council, together with the VV legal dept, are probing very closely into this malodorous transaction.

Lots of people interested in Victorville
  • A Grand Jury was convened in San Bernardino County (SBC) regarding Victorville finances (they are nearly insolvent although they have a $250 million annual budget)
  • Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC) investigation regarding bond offering to finance power project, among other things.
  • Grand Jury using forensic accounting firm Kessler International to go over Victorville's books
  • Special task force: FBI and US District Attorney with members from previous SBC grand juries sworn-in as participants
Much of the legal brouhaha is focused on the failed Victorville 2 Power Project (the one that Al Mazeedi is ostensibly trying to wriggle himself into)...  Wael Al Mazeedi and Tibor Toth certainly know how to pick WINNERS!


Anonymous said...

Perfect. It sounds like a omen of the future of QGEN. The shit is hitting the fan in March 2012! I am starting to hear it.

Anonymous said...

WAM and his minions coming back from the middle east this week. Maybe some millionaire idiot with petro-dollars gave him enough money to "invest" in this scam.

Anonymous said...

The money will be use instead to pay for LAWYERS IN FEDERAL COURT, not QGEN.

Or whatever shell company is called today.


Anonymous said...

Terms of payment.

Say I pay X.

You accept X, but give me Y KICKBACK!

Victorville + QGEN = 0

Anonymous said...



Crazy fools in Victorville!

Anonymous said...

Does someone like the heat?

Soon New Office in Victorville LOLOLOLOLOLOLOLOLOL.

BUT Massachusetts Federal Courts and Cayman Courts will send someone to the desert soon.

I seen March 2012 as an AWESOME MONTH.

Layoffs for the handful of CLOWNGENS left. Watch, history repeats itself over and over.

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