Wednesday, December 7, 2011

Private Equity TITAN Wael Al Mazeedi's QGEN does not make the "short list" for the ElMed project. QGEN has a putative "track record" through its "affiliates" of owning the controlling interest and operating the largest IPP in Tunisia. Why didn't they make it while others did?

We almost missed this one.  Our bad.  Seems that back in July 2011 the Tunisian government came up with a short-list of developers that met the pre-qualification criteria to be invited to bid on the ElMed project.

WAMo BAMo's (reference: wam, bam, thank you mam!) companies did not make the final cut:  QGEN Ltd/QGEN (USA) Inc/ (per website: QGEN Energy, QGEN Industries,etc.) BTU Power Company/BTU Ventures Inc/BTU Ventures LLC/BTU Capital Group/BTU Industries Ltd/BTU Industries Holdings USA Inc/MW Partners/FATE Consortium/Hybrid Energy Consortium/ Good Fortune International Ltd/Happy Lotus-flower Dancing Bear Ltd./etc.

How could that possibly happen given WAMo's track record in world dominance??? We are working on a posting that looks at this irrational injustice (imagine, the Tunisian government not including the world leader in the hybrid solar power and desalination field as well as the space-based solar power field in the short-list).

By the way, other REAL companies made the cut. Marubeni, the "minority" partner in Carthage Power Company (owner of only 40% of CPC v. BTU Power Company's 60%) made the cut.

More to follow.
ElMed is dead for WAMo.  Victorville's 300 acres of desert "ain't gonna happen."  Maybe WAMo might try to acquire the other IPP in Tunisia, SEEB (never mind, the banks have already taken over that project because they defaulted on their loans).  So what is WAMo going to present to potential investors (i.e. New Suckers) as his personal PIPELINE of development projects? What about WAMo's pipeline?

October 6, 2008
WAMo shows up as BTU to the "Informational Meeting" for ElMed

October 28, 2008 
WAMo submits Expression of Interest (EOI) as QGEN for ElMed

July 7, 2011
WAMo does not get selected either as BTU or QGEN to the next round.  He is out of the running.  How could that be?

All of the aforementioned information comes courtesy of the Tunisian Government
link ElMed Project


Anonymous said...

FUCKING Karma is starting to bite back. Ain't that a bitch!



But WAIT, a World-Leader that can only PAY MIT Energy Conference $$$, but has no real track record.

Bravo to the bloggers here! Keep up the great research.

Anonymous said...

LOL at the post above. How true. As an employee, I'll keep taking his money until it runs out.

Merry Christmas.

Anonymous said...

Where is Ms. Christina Stephens...

Collection until the money runs out. Soon she will have to pay for her own lawyer, if the money stops flowing. How fun.

Record that!

Anonymous said...

So what happened in Cayman courts? Any news?

Anonymous said...

LOL at the new Steve Jobs eyeglasses!

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