Monday, August 8, 2011

Betancourt's personnel records at BTU

Mr. Betancourt's personnel records while he worked at BTU, or anywhere else for that matter, are his own personal property.  He can chose to do with them as he pleases.  He has chosen to share some of them with us.  There are some interesting entries whose full importance can only now be understood.  That is, the entries in his personnel files while working at BTU will make sense only now that much, much more is known about Wael Al-Mazeedi and his "companies" and his "track record".

We'll share a few of them shortly.

[Note:  Mr. Aref Kooheji, a Pakistani national who was formerly a high-level executive at Dubai Islamic Bank, features prominently.  Based on other information discussed elsewhere in this blog it is apparent that Mr. Kooheji played a prominent role in the Meiya Power Company transaction and its "happy ending" - happy for Wael Almazeedi at least since he "scored" himself an $8 million dollar payday (and potentially more) - the investors got their money back and little else - AND.... Wael only had to spend $86 million to return the Middle East investors' original $100 million equity investment. We'll reference the Betancourt affidavit to place everything in context.]


Anonymous said...

I can't wait to read them all.

Anonymous said...

What is the delay?

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