Tuesday, July 26, 2011

With all of the money flowing-in at QGEN (0$ documented so far) these guys must be pretty DAMNED busy. What are these guys up to??? Other, than obviously, collecting paychecks and having their "potential" H1B visa sponsored by QGEN


Emil Mamedov
Finance Professional at QGEN Energy
LinkedIn: Emil Mamedov LinkedIn profile
* Investment Analysis
* Fund raising
* Project Finance
* M&A

Tibor Toth

Chief Investment Officer at QGEN
LinkedIn: Tibor Toth LinkedIn profile

courtesy of LinkedIn 

Just remember, QGENites, with ZERO revenue coming in from QGEN it means that all the money is still coming in from the original BTU Power Company investors (Qatar National Bank, Qatar Investment Authority, Dubai Islamic Bank, etc.)... your salaries are being paid by BTU Power Company Investors... maybe some day they'll want their money back (all of it) 

Open Ended Question: How much money has been raised and invested by the QGEN finance team of Wael, Emil and Tibor? The answer is ZERO. 

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I'm so glad that I am not one of those INVESTORS!

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