This posting is an update on the status of the Betancourt litigation (as of June 23, 2011). We provide some background information first in order to place the relevance of recent events in context.
From the Joint Discovery Report filed in US Federal Court on March 21, 2011 in the Murphy litigation:
"Mr. Murphy states that he has not entered into the forensic review agreement because Mr. Al-Mazeedi has recently violated confidentiality agreements in this and the related litigation involving Martin Betancourt by posting confidential information from discovery disclosures on BTU's website. Mr. Murphy's review of the site last week showed that the information was still posted, even though Mr. Betancourt's attorney had sent a letter to BTU's counsel on or about February 25, 2011 complaining about the confidentiality violation. Until it appears that Mr. Al-Mazeedi is willing to abide by confidentiality agreement, Mr. Murphy does not want to put his personal information from an iPhone and hard drives at risk."
Link: Murphy Joint Discovery Report
As the above statement from the Murphy litigation reveals, Betancourt's been deposed with only the customary confidentiality provisions in place. Also, as the statement above reveals (and we discuss at length in a previous blog posting - see below, its been reposted), Al-Mazeedi did not hesitate to use information obtained in depositions to make public pronouncements on his website.
Why do we revisit this issue?
The latest filing in the Betancourt litigation (made available on the PACER website June 24, 2011) is a Stipulation and Protective Order.
As the following excerpt from from the proposed Stipulation and Protective Order shows, although the document is meant to protect business and personal information produced during discovery the language in the document almost exclusively deals with BUSINESS information:
"Any discovery material produced in this action that contains or discloses trade secrets, unpublished financial data, financial or investment forecasts or strategies, appraisals, business forecast or strategies, lists of customers, shareholders, investors, vendors or providers or other information of a non-public nature considered by the producing party to be commercially or personally sensitive or proprietary, may be designated by the producing party as confidential under the terms of this Stipulation and Protective Order by affixing the word "Confidential" on the face of the document."Link: Betancourt Stipulation and Protective Order
Firstly, the Stipulation and Protective order is not really intended to protect Betancourt. Betancourt is obviously not a company and has already been deposed. Documents from the McBrearty litigation show that Betancourt was first deposed sometime in July 2010, almost a year ago. Consequently he had no chance to deem HIS information as confidential under a Stipulation and Protective Order. Additionally, documents in the Betancourt litigation show that he turned over the contents of his computers and peripherals to BTU and Al-Mazeedi long ago (over 2 yrs ago)
Secondly (but actually, this is the most relevant fact), we can conclude that Al-Mazeedi has not been deposed as of June 23, 2011. The court docket shows that the judge in the Betancourt litigation entered the order on that date. [Note: The deadline for the end of discovery in the Betancourt litigation is July 1, 2011.]
Who then, would this document really benefit... BTU Ventures Inc, BTU Industries Holdings USA Inc, and all the other Al-Mazeedi companies are corporate entities. What a coincidence!
As we've stated elsewhere in this blog, Al-Mazeedi should have been jumping at the chance to be deposed as soon as possible because all answers he would provide in his depositions would only serve to validate and reinforce the "truth" that he has been presenting to the courts in the hundreds of pleadings he's filed.
Protective orders are probably not unusual in litigation. However, it's interesting to see that after more than two (2) years into the Betancourt litigation this protective order was deemed necessary just before Al-Mazeedi is due to be deposed.
Just to refresh everyone's memory, the following is an excerpt summarizing Betancourt's counterclaims against BTU Ventures and Wael Al-Mazeedi:
"These counterclaims are brought by Martin Betancourt, ("Betancourt") a former executive with the defendant corporation, which was in the business of providing services to investment funds that aggregated the capital of foreign investors for investment in power plants outside the United States. In the course of his employment, Betancourt detected apparent criminal fraud by his employer, and, as a whistleblower, shared documents evidencing such fraud to counsel for plaintiff investors suing his employer. As a result of his whistleblowing disclosures, Betancourt's employment was terminated and he was sued in this Court.
He brings counterclaims against his former employer and its chairman/chief executive officer under Massachusetts common law. Further, during the course of employment, Betancourt, became suspicious that his employer and/or chief executive officer were illegally wiretapping/intercepting his conversations (and the conversations of others) through the use of a listening device planted in his office. Recently, evidence to support such suspicions [sic] has come to light (see linked filing from US District Court, pages 2 and 3) in the form of video surveillance footage and eyewitness testimony which reveals that such a listening/wiretapping device was placed in his office during the course of his employment."
What kinds of questions could Al-Mazeedi be asked regarding BTU Ventures Inc, BTU Industries Holdings USA Inc, Meiya Power, Good Fortune International Ltd, etc? What kinds of answers could be provided that need to be mega, ultra, super-duper protected?Our opinion is that the intent of the Stipulation and Protective Order is not so much "to protect " as it is to limit access. The information is already protected. That is, unless Al-Mazeedi goes and posts it all over his website again. We doubt he'll do that this time around.
Access... Hayat might want access to the deposition, Al-Mazeedi's current and former investors might want access to the depositions, Murphy, McBrearty, etc. may want access...
Betancourt's counterclaims involve events that took place before Summer-Fall 2008. Why does information regarding Al-Mazeedi's and BTU's "past" need such types of "protection" or limited access?
We believe everything speaks for itself. Quite loudly.
Great post! Keep them coming.
Mr. Murphy will testify against BTU.
Mr. Murphy and his lawyer were right on the money to hand everything to the Federal Courts.
I bet Wael didn't see that happening.
Good Luck.
Good legal advice. I bet Mr. Al-Mazeedi wishes he didn't file suit against him.
I know Murphy just wants Al-Mazeedi to stop harassing his family with this non-sense bullshit false complaint.
If this blog is correct, Murphy got 3 job offers after being letting his layoff notice. How many people in this market gets 3 job offers??? We know Ms. Christina Stephens surely did not after being FIRED!
Murphy can pay his lawyer to defend himself. Murphy is not going away with his video in Federal Court.
As his lawyer said "Mr. Murphy will testity." That is enough for all of us to smile.
No luck is needed for Mr. Betancourt. It appears he has his free witness thank to Mr. Al-Mazeedi.
TWO questions: Who has more to lose?
Why did Mr. Al-Mazeedi NOT file a complaint against Mr. James Commodore for his role in copying all the legal documents to his personal harddrive. Was forensics done on all his personal computers? phone? USB pen drives?
We can smile knowing he will get what he, Wael, has been asking for. I bet he wants to take it all back. MAN UP! Have the balls and be deposed!
The truth hurts.
(From a Burlington former employee.)
Murphy got 3 job offers in this crazy job market! He was too good to work for BTU.
iPhone4 rocks! I can imagine what he has on the iPhone that Mr. Al-Mazeedi would want.
Personal Photos.
Personal Stocks.
There are NO PATENTS owned, pending nor granted to Mr. Wael Al-Mazeedi, nor Mr. Wael Almazeedi, nor Mitsue Oishi, nor any Al-Mazeedi anywhere!
Isn't the Internet awesome! It gives us this great blog so that we can all follow along.
I still think the fact that Mr. Al-Mazeedi will have to face Murphy speaking in open courts is the key.
If this blog posting is right that he has returns higher that 200%+ each year, he is doing something right.
No wonder he has a great lawyer!
Murphy - received 3 Jobs offers, that is enough proof that I would not want him in a Federal Court speaking to a jury of his peers. Mr. Betancourt should be smiling know he will "Testify" as his lawyer submitted in his court filing.
Interesting week coming up!
3 jobs offers at once. Mr. Murphy must have a great skill set.
WOW! Only 4 days to go and the shit will hit the fan on Winter Street.
Theme song for this week.
Europe - The Final Countdown
Could we soon be watching Mr. Martin Betancourt on 60 Minutes in his own words "The Man that knew"...
or "The true Whistleblower."
Protective Orders are a waste of time. It will be public because none have settled in the Courts so they are all going to a Public trial.
Nothing to has any MEAT. One would say no Value.
Again, to whomever is keeping track of the patents count, great research. 0 = 0, ZERO = 0.
Again, to whomever found those PAID other bloggers site that published "New" information from 2006 as CURRENT news in 2011, explains it all.
More lawyers than patents says everything. Almost as much time wasted on lawsuits as he has been in business.
Did you ever hear that saying "Nice landing, wrong airport!".
July 1, 2011 deadline to let the world, wait Protective order!, to not tell anyone anything.
The Judge is going to love tearing someone a new ass for wasting the Courts time with these complaints.
At least the "Protective Order" will allow VIDEO depositions! It will be like Bill Gates depositions when MicroSoft CEO denied writing some of the emails about Netscape. He didn't realize his lawyers and him approved them, but Bill say I didn't do that and his lawyers interrupt and say Bill, "Yes you did."
I like that you ended with "We believe everything speaks for itself. Quite loudly."
That is right on the money!
Now I see how important the Murphy case is to the Betancourt case.
Mr. Betancourt should be paying Murphy legal bills since it will be Murphy in court explaining his reason for making copies of the video that is sitting in the Federal Court is the smoking gun per say. It is hard to fight a video and one that was used against Mr. Betancourt. Now with Murphy's help will help Betancourt!
ON THE RECORD. Love the final countdown!
Betancourt Stipulation and Protective Order
Mr Betancourt can always change his mind after the depositions of Wael Al-Mazeedi are completed and VOID this protective order.
Doesn't he have that right? The website still has "Betancourt's Deposition" illegally? It should be taken down. But if you think about it. No one is reading it, except you know who.
We will stick with reading this blog.
IT Professionals:
If one can tell what is the current format of the data being stored at BTU? Prove it, name the backup solution software.
Lawyers want to know.
ANSWER: TOLIS Group, Inc. BRU 2.0 Server
Computer forensic firms love BRU server backup, easiest encryption to decode.
This blog said the BlueLanGroup was called in, so it is 100% BRU with tapes changer solution.
WOW that was quick!
Love the final countdown song! nice touch.
How many people will Mr. Betancourt call into court for his case?
More like who else will he call in to the Courts?
Mr. Brian Murphy, FORMER IT Manager
Ms. Christina Stephens, FORMER CEO Office Secretary
Mr. Wael Al-Mazeedi, CEO
Mr. James Commodore, FORMER Project Lawyer
Mr. Dave Judelson, FORMER IT consultant
Mr. Li Shu, FORMER IT consultant
Mr. Cris Thomas, FORMER IT Manager before Mr. Murphy who purchased the video system.
the list goes on and on.
Is there a current list of the people that Mr. Betancourt wants to deposed or call into court?
"MURPHY WILL TESTIFY" says it all.
I support Mr. Murphy whom will validate Mr. Betancourt claim with the Federal Court video.
It is very hard to fight a video that was created using your own equipment. Smart move.
I worked with them both. Wael didn't see them staying around to defend themselves. Now look at the mess he is in now.
Dates have been confirmed for WAM's deposition... However, dates have been confirmed before...
The judge said no more extensions...
If Al-Mazeedi had a "valid" excuse to delay HIS deposition, he would have filed a Motion to Enlarge the Time for Discovery...
He hasn't filed such a motion.
Our guess is that he's rescheduled his deposition until the last possible day.
If he doesn't show up (due to a tummy-ache, athlete's foot, or some other similar acute medical anomaly), Betancourt's (or any other deponents) lawyers will surely submit a Motion to Compel and a request for sanctions (or something legally similar)...
You can't miss a court date at this stage and bring a note from your Mom as to why you were absent that will make everything OK again...
Speculation should focus on the fact that he would try to settle with Murphy because it's to Al-Mazeedi's advantage to do so... However, Al-Mazeedi may or may not come to a settlement with Murphy. Nevertheless, that is moot.
The fact that Murphy preserved the video that shows C. Stephens placing listening devices is a tremendous accomplishment. Al-Mazeedi will have to acknowledge in court that he TOLD C. Stephens to do that or he will have to figuratively "thrown her under the bus" and say that C. Stephens did all this under her own initiative...
Depending on Al-Mazeedi's decisions, C. Stephens will have to defend them both... Or have to look after her own HIDE...
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