Monday, February 13, 2012

February 16, 2012... US Federal Court... BTU motion for Summary Judgment in the Betancourt litigation is scheduled...

this is where almazeedi tries to convince the judge that every "fact" he's told the court is the absolute truth and every "fact" betancourt has told the court is a blatant lie.

almazeedi is requesting the judge to rule in his favor and award damages to him... NO NEED FOR A TRIAL on the MERITS... almazeedi just wants the judge to rule in his favor and schedule a trial to determine how much betancourt should pay almazeedi in damages...

yeah, right!

What kinds of interesting tidbits regarding the PONZ and MITSUBISHI, as well CS, the "Pleader of the 5th" should the US Federal Court judge know about before this meeting...

There's an interesting discussion proposed by FoleyHoag in their filings in court to the effect that people working for BTU Ventures, Inc. and BTU Industries Holdings USA, Inc. have ABSOLUTELY no oblitgations of any kind towards the Middle East investors.

  • BTU Ventures, Inc. as well as BTU Industries Holdings USA, Inc. only exist as "independent contractors" to "watch over the investors' money"... 
  • If there were no investors in BTU Power Company there would be no need for either of the two aforementioned companies.
FoleyHoag and Wael Al Mazeedi are trying to make the case that people that work for the companies mentioned above (and QGEN as well) have ONLY ONE OBLIGATION.... TO SERVE WAEL.... TO PROTECT WAEL'S "INTERESTS".... TO DO NOTHING THAT WOULD UPSET WAEL...To carry clean underwear for Wael and have it ready at all times!  BUSOLA as well as all previous and future HR people should have made this clear to everybody that's ever interviewed:  if you work for a company that is "associated" with Wael, YOU BELONG TO WAEL.

Good job, FoleyHoag, you are starting to sound like the lickspittle from the Cayman Islands, Super Simon the Fantastic Firth.

a contemptible, fawning person; a servile flatterer or toady.


Bob Woodard said...

maybe you should have a contest to see who has been wamo's biggest brown-noser. s. sadiq, j. commodore, FK, c. stephens, j. whipple: all in the top 5 for sure (big battle since they are all pretty equal to figure out who's number 1)

Anonymous said...

Everyone is a distant second to the fat, smelly German lickspittle! (I love that word). Butt-kissing was her only purpose on this planet. Lord knows she never did any work.

Anonymous said...

Commodore has probably been sh****g his drawers a lot lately since they'll use a crane if necessary to drag his ass into US Federal Court. Maybe he can borrow some of WAMo's "clean underwear" supply. Just call Simon F. and he'll ship you some.

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