Is this the office for BTU Ventures (Middle East) or the "Representative Office" in Dubai for BTU Power Management Company (Cayman Islands)?
What's the difference? Who cares?
Most important question: were Mitsue (Fiona), Akira Naoi and Sasaki consulted in order to get the right Karma?
Notice the videoconferencing capability of this Board Room. This gave WAMo, while in Dubai, the capability to video conference with his alter ego (i.e. "split personality") in Waltham (either in his office or the "media" room). The media room in Waltham was actually where everybody ate their Crappy Soggy Chicken Lunch on Fridays.
Wonder how often WAM had these offices swept for bugs like he did in Waltham: he was convinced Hayat was always trying to tap his phones or read his mind. |
Almazeedi claims the Meiya Power Company investment was managed from these offices in Dubai. Imagine, you are seeing pictures of the "command headquarters" that spent $86 million to manage $100 million in equity. Wonder if that ACE advisor, Simon Firth, ever visited here? Maybe, all the half-assed AUDITS for BTU Power Company and all the other Cayman Island shell companies were conducted here. |
I recall visiting the middle east investors together with Wael and Simon. Simon seemed to get a tremendous amount of pleasure from pleasing Wael. Most of the "business conversations" that transpired at that time involved Wael and Simon figuring out how to screw-over the Dubai Islamic Bank and the Qatar National Bank at the same time. In other words, playing one against the other. Simon thought he was very clever.
Most everybody does not know that Industrial and Financial Investment Company (IFIC - Kuwait) held 60% of the economic interest in BTU District Energy Company. This was way back in 2003. In 2008 IFIC, together with another former investor (International Investment Bank - IIB - ASEAN) in BTU Power Company II sued Wael, Nitsue, BTU Ventures, Unnamed Consulting Company, etc.
Kind of curious that the court record NEVER mentioned the fact that IFIC had previously been a business partner of WAM...
everything about almazeedi and his business partners is just f***ing dirty. supposedly almazeedi and his "sister" at one time were partners in some sort of car dealership and one or the other ended-up suing the other... RUNS IN THE FAMILY.
who's telling the truth? Dr Taleb Ali and Mohsen Hayat (along with Iyad Malas) were the original members of the BTU Power Company advisory committee (or some other similar-sounding BS). how did they go from business associates and trusted members of a principal advisory committee to becoming Wael's and Nitsue's worst enemies? something smells.
Smell like shit. You invest in a shit you get shit out.
You never heard "Shit in. Shit out."
What a joke of a family! One daughter worked, one did not. The one daughter would spend all day downloading ILLEGAL Movies on her work computer.
Do people know what "Hotline" means? Her data was archived by one IT consultant Dave. It was pretty bad to allow ILLEGAL downloading during work hours. But family doesn't follow the rules.
I hope all those lawsuits that go in front of court room ask "Was anything illegal going on?", If they lie, request for Mia's profile on the Mac.
Illegal movie downloads are huge issue. I bet they will see dollar signs and call up a few lawyers.
What did the other daughter do?
Ms. Yasmeen is being used like toy at UCLA. She should be going to school to be a lawyer!
She will never to work for mommy soon. Once she makes the move away. Mitsue will be single soon. She is planning her exit. Money is most likely moved away into hidden accounts.
As long as Simon is paid, Mitsue will stay there. Once Alex stops paying Simon's invoices, it is game over and quick get-a-way for Mitsue.
She will fly to UCLA and take Yasmeen with her.
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