Friday, December 16, 2011

Conspiracy as Wael Al Mazeedi sees it/lives it.

STOP, Thief!!!
More than likely the money bags carried by this dude were held in bank accounts in "offshore" locations such as Monaco, Cayman Islands, Bermuda, etc.  Perhaps, though, the money is being taken to those locations.

The Manager:
BTU Power Management Company is the "Manager" of BTU Power Company.  Almazeedi is the chief executive officer and sole director of the Manager.

BTU Power Management Company = The "Manager" = Wael Al Mazeedi
Everything is Wael and Wael is Everything 
Sounds kind of Karmic
(Shana Sadiq, Wael's former in house counsel - she was involved in the Carthage Power Company, TAPCO, and Meiya Power Company acquisitions - who is now working for 
Allen & Overy in London would like that)

Wael's histrionics and shrill cries of "bloody conspiracy"
Conspiracy and "Thievery" against Almazeedi:  McBrearty Lawsuit
"The goal of the conspiracy was to oust the management of Ventures, Industries and the BTU Affiliates, to disrupt the companies' relationships with their investors, and to enable certain third-party allies of McBrearty and Betancourt to take over Ventures, Industries and the BTU Affiliates or to seize control of the companies' most valuable assets."

Wael's Virtuous Actions
Qatar Investment Authority Petition to Wind-Up BTU Power Company: 
"Other than by presenting the Petition, due to their limited voting rights, the Petitioners and the Supporting Preference Shareholders have no ability to remove Almazeedi and/or the Manager.

In or about late 2008 (our note:  that's the time Lincoln Bleveans was Chief Investment Officer or something to that effect) and continuing through 2010 and August 2011, Almazeedi, acting in his capacity as the sole director of the Company, proposed a share redemption transaction to the Preference Shareholders that would transfer all of the Company's assets to a newly formed Cayman Islands company, QGEN... Significantly, QGEN was formed, and is owned or controlled, by Almazeedi, who is also the Chairman and CEO of QGEN.

It appears that Almazeedi is not pursuing the transactions in the best interests of the Company (BTU Power Company) and/or its Preference Shareholders, but rather seeking to materially benefit himself with respect to the proposed QGEN transaction.

Almazeedi has also alleged that he incurred approximately US $12-15m in costs and expenses [note:  that is your big salary Tibor Toth, as well as yours, Funzo or Funzel or Fazle or Faisal Khan, as well as yours, Emil Mamedov ("financial guy at Confidential"] in connection with preparing the Proposed Share Redemption and certain other reorganization alternatives..."
Funzo Kan do all kinds of stuff, like say:
"I see you", "give me a hug" and "Im very mad at boo". 
Courtesy of The Simpsons
 Thievery (revisited)
Again, Wael's histrionics and shrill cries of "bloody conspiracy" 
Again, from McBrearty Lawsuit
...former independent consultant of the plaintiff companies who has conspired with a former executive employee of the plaintiff companies... with the goal of ousting the plaintiff companies' incumbent management and/or stripping the companies and their affiliates of their most valuable assets.

  • Wael can NEVER be removed as the "Manager" except by "burning the house down" (i.e. petitioning to dissolve BTU Power Company)
  • The only "stripping" of "valuable assets" that has ever been undertaken has been by Almazeedi.  Actually, we don't know who else "stripped".... maybe the VOLUMINOUS quantity of lawyers representing Dear Leader, Wael.
  • Wael has spent $10s of millions (12-15-??) on his plaything, QGEN and produced NOTHING.  Zero, Zed.  Well, he does get to stay at the Ritz Carlton wherever he goes and he must have a kick-ass iPad (and a new car to replace his previous Audi... perhaps a Cayenne?)


Anonymous said...

The Porsche is a piece of junk. It is bugged. LOL.

Anonymous said...

QGEN SUCKS! (Waltham MA fake company)= no assets

QGEN SUCKS! (Cayman Island fake company) = no assets

Anonymous said...

Love the cartoons!

Anonymous said...

Keep tracking...

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