Wednesday, November 23, 2011

The full, original petition by Qatar Investment Authority to liquidate BTU Power Company and remove Wael Al Mazeedi's stranglehold on their investment

[Note: Everybody should feel free to send either the link or the actual PDF document to anybody, and everybody anywhere in the world.  This a public domain document.  After all, why wouldn't Wael Al Mazeedi want even more people to know about his "track record"?]

People currently working for QGEN are particularly encouraged to send this link along to their families, friends, former colleagues, etc. so they can see why you are so proud of working for the Ernst & Young, 2006 New England Region, Energy Category, Entrepreneur of the Year... None other than Wael Al Mazeedi (and his newest, biggest, and "bestest" company, QGEN. 

Some of you QGEN employees might dismiss all this commotion as just another inconvenience.  After all, a paycheck is a paycheck.  However, paychecks DO stop coming.  Also, people whose money you've been paid with (the Middle East investors) might be interested in what role you had in helping Wael Al Mazeedi keep the planet from "collapsing" (WAM's own words...)

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